Habitat Talk's May Trail Cam Photo Contest

^^^took me a minute to see da bear....
^^^Me too, Bill. And then it took me a second or two more to see the feeder tube... for those few seconds I wondered how in the heck he managed to get that poor pet bear strapped to a tree?! :emoji_wink::emoji_joy:
Has to be twins. Feel bad for the Ol girl.

What model moultrie are you using? My moultries have certainly been the most reliable out of all the cams I have used but pic quality is just kind of mediocre on mine. Great pics!
What model moultrie are you using? My moultries have certainly been the most reliable out of all the cams I have used but pic quality is just kind of mediocre on mine. Great pics!

Thanks, I run the M990i 2nd gen. I usually buy them from Rogers $99
I'm sure this trespasser is mushroom hunting. I'm just disappointed the cam was aimed to low to capture his face. Made proper adjustment after I checked cam. STC_0265.JPG
well here are two from this week, sorry YR on cam is wrong but time and date is OK, the first is a 3 yr old female bear, have a full history with her, in Summer of 2015 she showed up here as a lost cub, something happened I gather to its mother and it was a lost soul like 30 lb or so cub, I wasn't sure she was going to make it on her own
BUT she got lucky, she teamed up with a small male, that the yr before was also orphaned here, the two became best of buddy's, would visit my place almost daily or 4-5 times a week, between food plots and bird feeder raiding LOL
But sadly, he got shot in bear season and she was back to being alone,?
she made it thru winter OK, knew to den up that is
BUT in Spring of 2016, she showed up, with a broken right rear ankle/foot, I gather she was hit by a car, or some how it got broken,
it was a compound break, bone sticking out, and I wasn't sure she was going to do well with it, as she limped pretty bad, could no longer climb a tree.

I sort of took it on as a project to TRY and help her, but NOT a lot you can do for a bear

But when she would show up here, I would cheat I guess and throw her a slice of bread with some peanut butter on it, and stuck a 2 advil in the peanut butter and an anti biotic I got from a vet!
NOT sure if it helped or not, but I did what I could hate to see any critter suffer, and wasn't bad enough to where I felt it should be put down(would have had the sate come for that)
well, come summer she started to get followed by a BIG male bear(600+ lb male)

and they bred?
I wasn't sure that was going to be a good thing,as if she didn;t heal up with the foot, she would be in for a hard ride with cubs, as there number one defense is climbing up tree's and as of that time she couldn't do so!
but as time when on, it started to mend some what, but other bears would chase it, and re open the injury all the time?/

BUT then came winter and well, she got super lucky, that thing healed up pretty solid while she denned up, and she had 2 cubs to boot, one I can tell is a male, and other not sure YET, its way smaller than the male, but that doesn't always mean its a female, always seems to be one runt in a litter LOL

but as of now she is doing super well as to what could have been, easy food at my place with food plots and maybe the pills I gave her I think saved her,

so I'm glad I am into food plots
they provide a lot more good I think than some get, its NOT just about hunting and killing game over them

I enjoy getting to see how animals lives and how long and the likes, they provide me with the time to see yr to yr things in same animals

Sorry long post, but thought maybe some would enjoy a little history on things when so often its not there to give when we get trail cam pic's

the two foxes are I THINK the same pair that's been here for a few yrs now, on there 3 rd liter of youngs em too!
last two pic's are of the male she bred with, she was maybe 150 lbs IF that at the time and he was all of 600+ lbs, even got his tag info and he was a hair under 600 when tagged a yr before in June, sop have a little history on him too LOL
I get LOTS of bears here , and in 30+ yrs so far ZERO damage minus a bird feeder once ina great while, been a few yrs to be honest, hang em HIGH on pully's has been my secret Haha!


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That ear tagged bear is HUGE!!!!!
yeah he was a BIG one, NOT the biggest I have had here but a top 5 for sure
little history on him, if anyone cares
in summer of 2015 the tagged him in a local town, being a bear known for raiding trash cans, about 20 miles north of me>
I had seen him a few times over the yrs, as he stood out with that one droopy left ear he had and the big white V on his chest!

so the state set out to trap and re locate him, they managed to capture him and took him just about 75+ miles north east of me and let him out on a larger track of forested swaampy land, 3 county's away from me!

and yet, he managed to make it back my way?,
but since last Fall , I haven't seen him, nor was he recorded as being tagged at any check stations

they weighted him in at like 596 lbs , and this was again early summer, when after winter and mating season, he was sure to be down a 100+ lbs easy, making him a Honest 750+ lb bear in the fall or heavier!,
and guessed aged him at 16 yrs old,as they didn;'t think they gave him enough dose to pull a tooth and do it right?? so age can be ???
but he is, or was , if he got killed since this, both heavy and an older for a wild bear

wasn't easy getting a tag number, but over the yrs I managed to get a few, using a spotting scope and when there close to me at a bird feeder laying down sucking up seeds, OR taking a nap, which he did quite a bit of dogging the females
one female, used to take refuge on my deck, as , as big as he was, he was scared to coem up on my deck< so she would come up and get a break from being harassed by him trying to breed her LOL
here is a pic or two of him taking a nap, like a beached whale he was !!,
I swear he'd be dead asleep and be using his nose like a radar for her, if she got 3 steps down my deck, he would pop up and stare at her and she would go back up on deck < it was very funny,
he bred two different bears in front of me in my back yard while he was about! he stayed with one female , or I seen him with her every time I seen them for over 3 weeks,
he also would play merry go round with that equipment trailer, and she would always be about a half a lap ahead of him, him a drooling all the while with love in his eye's , till he's get tired and need a nap, she plum wore that big guy out making him work for it!

last pic you can see her on deck and him in the far left laying down> she would lay on deck turning her back at him, trying NOT to make eye contact, which seemed to turn him on HAHA!

and sorry for getting on topic here, just guessing most guys don't get to see bears as often or long or up close as I do, so think some would enjoy these!


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Cool bear pics. Thanks for sharing MRBB
Here's a pic I caught with a new Moultrie Panoramic 150. When the camera is triggered it takes 3 pictures in a row. The lens moves quickly via some kind of a little electric motor or something, to give a 180 degree image. This pic is of a single young doe that the camera caught perfectly just after she leaped and right before she landed. If you look carefully you can see the seam in the pic near the stump. Not sure if the camera caught one leap, or if there were two bounds and it caught the first leap and the 2nd landing?

Haha....that doe is having cereal for breakfast!