Habitat-Talks December 2019 trail cam contest

Speaking of early antler drop, this was a big 10 that sustained an injury to his gut somehow in late rut. Had written him off, but I have him on cam as of 1/1/2020. Here he is, already shed out, on 12/19.

A shed antler on trail cam... that's cool!
To see it on the computer for the first time was a moment. When I picked the camera up the snow was deeper and it wasn't showing. After a partial melt today my wife and I went out and retrieved it. It was a nice 2 1/2 or 3 1/2 eight, that is nice for here--nothing like the monsters in your parade or most of the other bucks on this thread but Ok for here.
Terrible sight Mortenson - post #42. Tough to wait another year, huh?? You have some great genes in the pool.
Hillrunner you nailed it!!! You have an incredible eye. Thank you for pointing out the "moment". This picture was taken just two minutes prior to the pic with the dropped shed in it and as it turned out both antlers were actually dropped at that time.

Here are two close ups of the same deer taken in November. The antlers match up perfectly right down to the slight chip on the left antler.
Based on the pictures of him here and the antler mass I think we'll raise his age to 3 1/2 or even 4 1/2.
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Very deep by my land too already. I'm east of Leech lake. Deer have mostly left for the Cedar swamps. Still a few hanging out being feed by the neighbors. Ice fishing is nearly impossible again this year.
Snow getting a bit deep. Another 5-8 inches forecast Fri. and Sat. with 40 mph winds.
Pic Jan. 15th.

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The forecast was for 5-8 inches, ended up with 11 inches.. WSI is sure to go up.

Got some new pics, not posting, but show deep snow up past their bellies.
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Well deserved Bill, that was a classic shot.
Congratulations Bill. That was a great one. It was fun participating in your thread; entries were great. Looking forward to next falls contest.