Habitat Talk's August Trail Cam Photo Contest

Doe in a spider web.

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Great pic browndog. Ya just never know what you're going to see when ya slip that memory card into your PC.
Now he's just tawnting me..
20 yards from the stand, broadside looking the other way. Tease!

View attachment 14508

Did you install a red cedar rubbing post? Looks like either you or the deer have been working on it. And I doubt the deer are working on it yet. Although with the bucks you have, who knows!

What do you think Lucky scores this year (I struggle to judge while they are in velvet). He looks to be pushing 170 to me?????
Did you install a red cedar rubbing post? Looks like either you or the deer have been working on it. And I doubt the deer are working on it yet. Although with the bucks you have, who knows!

What do you think Lucky scores this year (I struggle to judge while they are in velvet). He looks to be pushing 170 to me?????

It is a new rubbing post, good catch. My son and I cut down a 25 footer on the way home from Colorado. The branches from the base are now camo all around the stand. The top went in the ground and we scrapped it up to maybe give them the hint. I put ever calm on the low branches but it hasn't drawn any attention like the last time I used it.

I have his sheds from last year and didn't measure them??? Don't know why. I'm thinking gross 160'ish. He doesn't have the spread those times should be carrying.
Keep in mind that spread has very little impact on overall score. Tines and tine length is where its at.
You got that right...
Can't make out the rack on this hummer, but it must be huge judging by the effort he's putting out just to stay airborne.

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Got a decent 11 that would look really good in another year and a pretty good 8. Ignore the date on the alfalfa cam. Just got it a couple weeks ago and put it out over some 1st year alfalfa to see how it worked. The 8 has a pretty big gut. Also a 8/9 that runs with them right now. His right side is just a split brow tine only and then 6 or 7 pts on the left side. MFDC0083.JPG PICT0294.JPG PICT0120.JPG
Now he's just tawnting me..
20 yards from the stand, broadside looking the other way. Tease!

View attachment 14508
Bill, Just how the hell do you sleep at night knowing that buck is out there? I would be so frantic already it wouldn't be funny. I really, really hope you at least get a swing at him this year. You tell me you are going to pass on that buck to give him another year and I will drive to Jersey and slap the crap out of you!

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That is really a cool pic with the fog in the background like that and a good buck to boot.