Habitat Talk's August 2018 Trail Cam Photo Contest

Good gravy! That's a beautiful deer, Baker. When does your season start?
August postings seem light so thought I'd throw another pic in to see if it can stir conversation.

How do you think this guy will rub trees?

T, I am on a program called DMAP allowing us to start season Oct 1 I think.

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August postings seem light so thought I'd throw another pic in to see if it can stir conversation.

How do you think this guy will rub trees?

T, I am on a program called DMAP allowing us to start season Oct 1 I think.

My son killed a buck like that last year. He managed to rub his antlers. Just not in the middle :)
The boys out for a morning stroll. Note my ladder stand in the background.

Another contender ... amazing how they never have an issue walking by my stand until the first day of bow hunting. Maybe this year they will forget what day it is :emoji_slight_smile:


Really nice bucks Treespud. What kind of tree are they sniffing? Licking branch over last year scrape?
Really nice bucks Treespud. What kind of tree are they sniffing? Licking branch over last year scrape?

That tree is a Tamarack. I recently sprayed, seeded with PTT & clover, then cultipacked that area so I am not sure of a scrape. Certainly a licking branch as many bucks check it out.
Treespud, that's my favorite kinda ladder stand spot. Up against a big ol fat tree with big limbs.
To bad there not easy to come by around my place.
A new meaning to things “looking up”

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I thought this was kind of a neat pic the way the evening sun was sitting in his rack...hopefully it's some kind of a sign that the boys or I will get a close encounter with him in a couple months.

On a slightly more positive note, have been getting some recent captures that bring me comfort the local coyotes haven't put too much of a hurting on the fawn population (some may recall I saw a pack playing with one they killed a few weeks ago)

3 Fawns.jpg
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