Gun shows?


5 year old buck +
Guys like going or not. Cheap skate version of me thinks they're overpriced.

This is a decent sized one this weekend in the lion's den, albanny NY.
Most stuff is overpriced but it's also one of the easiest places to get them to drop the price - especially on the last day.
Love gun shows. Kind of like going to a museum where everyone is like minded.
I prefer the 2nd day. Kinda like the older guns more than the new ones.

eyeing something 44 mag or 450 bushwahcker, or something other than 22lr for cheap plinking. maybe 223, 38 special, 243. I coyote hunt with the 308 and a 22lr. Get bored waiting and whck a squirrel or two sometimes. Gotten grouse and rabbits here n there too.
I bought a 1902 Remington side by side double barrel at a gun show that was owned by one family over the years. It was the last year Remington made a side by side. I’ve been offered double my money back.
I love a gun show....been going to them since I was a kid. I collect and restore WWII M1 Garands....great place to find parts that you can see in person before you buy so they match the patina of the receiver I am working on.

They all kind of have the same smell too that wafts through the hall as you walk in...a combination of boiled linseed oil, old military surplus web gear and wet canvas, beef jerky, gun solvent, and Old Spice.
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Pretty much what everyone else said. I get a kick out of them every now and then. Second half of the last day for deals if really looking for something. Otherwise it's like a gun shop and a gun museum rolled into one. Can't remember the last time I bought something at one, maybe 20 years ago. Used to be a great place to pick up a $75 used SKS or a $250 new Chinese AK. Now it seems like too many "I know what I got" types. It might be interesting to see what kind of ammo is available. I remember decent prices on unopened crates of 7.62x39 ammo long ago.
The last show I attended was this time last year. I think "gun and knife shows" have really changed the past few years. The last few have been gun, jerky, honey, hot sauce, prepping supplies, stamped concrete (what? why?) and a few knives shows. They have a fairly wide selection of ARs with a few old guns sprinkled in. I have found better guns and deals going to pawn shops. Your mileage may vary because it really depends on what the show will allow to set up and what dealers attend.
I have bought a couple of new guns that way, but its been several years. I always just ended up buying from the local guys that were at the show anyways. Used to be able to get good deals on ammo, but I would have no idea if that is still the case.
Not enough guns at gun shows anymore.
Just came back. There was a good amount of guns. Not too much other stuff, like 1 jerky table, someone with wood pens. Went around noon time on the 2nd day. Every table looked pretty full of stuff. No new ammo, just oddball boxes, no powder anywhere, or it sold out.

There were some ok prices, alot of overpriced stuff though. $1000 SKS's. Very few marlin 336's under $1000. Guy had an $500 AR kit almost scooped up. $350 remington 870 youth used in great shape. Wife wants one downstairs for her, she works at home.

As usual, old rare stuff priced very high not many people were into. Folks wanted cheap old guns. Saw a $350 marlin 981T. Bought mine used for $100 around 2009 or so.

There were some rosi 44 mags and 357 mag lever guns new for $699. Almost all of them were 16" Would of budged with a 20" although I'd like a 24".

Oldest kid had a good time. He scooped up a old USGI telephone linmen pliers set and some 35 remington brass. Not a single thing 450 marlin there, no ammo, no brass, no guns.

IF I didn't spend like $3000 bucks between myself and the oldest kid for reloading setups and starter components, probably would of bought something more than a rifle sling.
Very few marlin 336's under $1000.
Anyone else notice that the price of 336s has doubled in the past five years? I know everything has gone up, but you used to be able to find them all the time for $300-400. Now a beater starts at $600 and a decent one is $800 plus. Glad I bought mine when I did.
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Anyone else notice that the price of 336s has doubled in the past five years? I know everything has gone up, but you used to be able to find them all the time for $300-400. Now a beater starts at $600 and a decent one is $800 plus. Glad I bought mine when I did.

It's the same with Remington 760 and 7600 pumps. Used to be able to find these all day long for $450 to $600. Now, average selling prices are about $1200, with factory Carbines fetching well north of $1500.