Growing RED oaks from acorns


5 year old buck +
I have read a bazzillion articles now on how to grow oaks from acorns and for the life of me I can't find specific RED oaks from acorn articles. Most are general oaks from acorn.

I have these giant red oak acorns and I want to try to grow trees from them. I need some solid advise specifically for red oak acorns if anyone cares to share. I have about 20 in the fridge at home now and I just picked up about 20 more.

I know the primary thing to do is float test them. Some say float test for a few minutes, some for 1 hour, some say overnight. Which is it?

secondly, I believe they have to sacrify(freeze for a period of time). Is this true and if so how long?

Last, I am going to grow them in root maker 18 cells to begin with then move them to 1 gallon root makers. Should I put them in the 18 cell root makers this fall, cover it with mesh wire, and then put the 18 cell in my pole barn over the winter or outside? Can I simply put the acorns in the freezer for a month then plant them in the 18 cells under my grow lights in the basement?

I appreciate any help. I haven't had a problem growing white oaks from acorns, but the reds have never been successful.
I appreciate any help. I haven't had a problem growing white oaks from acorns, but the reds have never been successful.
If you have some red oak already, why do red oaks? Given the higher deer preference for white or bur oak .... if you are going to put the effort into planting and rootmakers, keep doing white oaks. Don't get me wrong, a variety of oaks is good, habitat diversity should be maintained.
If you have some red oak already, why do red oaks? Given the higher deer preference for white or bur oak .... if you are going to put the effort into planting and rootmakers, keep doing white oaks. Don't get me wrong, a variety of oaks is good, habitat diversity should be maintained.

I found some giant red oak acorns this year and I want to try getting them to grow. We have a lot of white oaks at the farm already, the reds we have are all dying from disease, so we need to start a new generation or reds.
This article should have the information needed to get you started.

While you can use rootmakers, you don't have to use rootmakers to get good results. I have seen people use Solo cups with good results. I used rootmakers this year and while they have worked, I am not sure if the expense is worth it. I also used small fabric grow bags with good results. You can find these fabric grow bags on ebay relatively cheap that do a good job of root pruning while starting acorns under lights.
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This articleshould have the information needed to get you started.

While you can use rootmakers, you don't have to use rootmakers to get good results. I have seen people use Solo cups with good results. I used rootmakers this year and while they have worked, I am not sure if the expense is worth it. I also used small fabric grow bags with good results. You can find these fabric grow bags on ebay relatively cheap that do a good job of root pruning while starting acorns under lights.

Thanks for the link, i will read that right now.

I already have the rootmakers in the 18 cell and 1 gallon size from growing apples from seed. My grow station with lights is already set up for them.
Shumard acorns are incredibly easy to germinate/grow

60-90 days in a plastic bag in fridge

I have moved away from rootmaker system in oaks in favor of direct seed

In my arid region ,i believe taproot preservation is of paramount importance

"respect, don't resect(or prune!)" the taproot

I have read a bazzillion articles now on how to grow oaks from acorns and for the life of me I can't find specific RED oaks from acorn articles. Most are general oaks from acorn.

I have these giant red oak acorns and I want to try to grow trees from them. I need some solid advise specifically for red oak acorns if anyone cares to share. I have about 20 in the fridge at home now and I just picked up about 20 more.

I know the primary thing to do is float test them. Some say float test for a few minutes, some for 1 hour, some say overnight. Which is it?

secondly, I believe they have to sacrify(freeze for a period of time). Is this true and if so how long?

Last, I am going to grow them in root maker 18 cells to begin with then move them to 1 gallon root makers. Should I put them in the 18 cell root makers this fall, cover it with mesh wire, and then put the 18 cell in my pole barn over the winter or outside? Can I simply put the acorns in the freezer for a month then plant them in the 18 cells under my grow lights in the basement?

I appreciate any help. I haven't had a problem growing white oaks from acorns, but the reds have never been successful.
I usually only float test them for a few minutes, I usually have more than enough so the non floaters aren't worth it. I'll leave the acorns in the water for a couple hours and then take them out and dry them off and put them in a zip lock bag with damp peat moss. I keep mine in the bottom crisper in the fridge and maybe check them once a month if I remember. Feb/Mar time frame I start the acorns in RM-18's and move them outside after the chance of frost is gone transferring some to the 1gal RM pots I have.