Growing Pompass grass


5 year old buck +
I ordered some ornamental Pompass grass seed to grow around the house. It came in a very small package that claims it contains 500 "seeds". Though it looks like WSG fluff style, I'd like to grow it in pots some how to have isolated clumps of it growing around the house.

Whats your best guess how to do this? A pinch of seeds in each RM cell? Use larger pots, but more seed? I assume there is a way to do it, Lots of nurseries sell Pompass grass in 1 gal pots. I had hoped to get about 50 plants out of the 500 seeds, but that may be pushing it....

Thanks in advance :)
I have no idea..... If I was going to try I would try do as you said and put a pinch of seed in a container of soil and see what happens. I think some places do this with switchgrass and sell them as "plugs". Just make sure you don;t plant too deep. The seed will be real small so simply giving them a firm push to ensure good soil contact should be enough. May want to put in some sort of cage to keep birds from eating your seed as well (I have to do this to keep squirrels for stealing my planted acorns). Good luck and keep us posted on how it goes.
Interesting- I planted a flat (1" deep) tray with some NWSG last winter, with a clear plastic dome above it. I poked holes into the tray and dome then watered it and placed it in my garden where it got rained/snowed on from February on. After the grass sprouted I removed the cover and let the seedlings grow unprotected until July, when I cut apart the root mass and transplanted 6" high plants to a corner of my yard, near an old stump. I was frost seeding other NWSG in the fields around my home about the same time, and had great germination.

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That is one thing I am curious about . Will they germinate in the trays this year, or will I have to have a stratification process through the winter/spring?

I was able to plant yesterday and get a pinch of seed in54 cells in 3 RM trays.

I suppose I could throw them in a chest freezer for a few hours every day if needed as well ?

Thanks for the comments :)
Watched a YouTube video on it, and it seems like I'm on the right track. Most popular videos didn't act like stratification was needed. Though they looked like their seeds were more "seed" looking and not the fluff seed like I planted.

We'll see, I guess :)