Graft success thanks everyone

I haven't heard of these varieties you guys are discussing

I think that the passion that some growers have about old or offbeat or obscure varieties is one of the cool things about the fruit obsession we share.

Some of us will be more utilitarian and just plant Liberty, Enterprise, {insert other DR varieties here}, some will only plant trees that are unique/different, some will decide on a mixture of the two approaches. Whatever floats your boat!
I think that the passion that some growers have about old or offbeat or obscure varieties is one of the cool things about the fruit obsession we share.

Some of us will be more utilitarian and just plant Liberty, Enterprise, {insert other DR varieties here}, some will only plant trees that are unique/different, some will decide on a mixture of the two approaches. Whatever floats your boat!

My original post was 100% sarcasm. I'd love to plant all these old school varieties that people have forgotten but I don't have 5 acres of cleared area to do so. however i have room for about 10 more trees in my personal orchard and currently formulating that list for grafting next year. I also have room at my hunting place for about 30 more trees next year so I could potentially get some cool stuff going but I can't do any of it without you folks help, so please don't take my joking the wrong way.
Yes I do. Most of my varieties are for hard cider
Hard cider ?? ...... note to self.......... go visit Aero ...........:D:p

66% is awesome for first try. Remember rootstock and scion wood also factor into the equation. You may have been doomed from the start on some grafts. I know I got some scion wood that was suspect and I did about 75% this year which is my second year and I grafted all my failures from last year and they all made it this year. I lost 3 roots of my original buy last year so sometimes the rootstock is the issue. Keep on grafting Dan

Some of my NW Greening scion had the brown center in it, but was still green under the bark. Is it my handling, maybe letting it freeze, collecting it on a cold day, or growing conditions??? Stu warned me about letting it freeze.

NWG finally showed a bit of bud swelling, but I do not know if it will survive or not.
I got zippo from my NW Greening sad to say. Both from Stu and Maple Valley that Crazy Ed sent me. I had very little success with Maple Valley this year. About 20% success rate which sucks!!!
Come on down. My hard cider is awesome. I made that with non cider varieties and it was and still is awesome. Made it a bit too bubbly but it's still good
Come on down. My hard cider is awesome. I made that with non cider varieties and it was and still is awesome. Made it a bit too bubbly but it's still good
I got an older client who makes cider. He makes good wine. I need to see if he has a press or not. Interest is growing on my part.That is another reason to plant crab apples.
lol...once that happens there is a bit of a difference :)
Yup, one of us knows what he is talking about, is smarter, and a whole lot better looking... and then there is me.
Not trying to be overly specific...but I didn't send anybody any scion wood this year. I did trade one or two with Art, but that's it.

Sorry maybe not from you. My bad. I get all you guys from MN mixed up lol. But really I had no success with NW Greening and by the way I am drinking some of that hard cider which may be a reason for my confusion. Cheers!!!! Lol
Should I try to t bud the failures after I'm sure they have taken later in the year?
Yes why not or wait until next year. I snipped a few of what I thought were failures and 3 out of the 8 I snipped still had vp green wood so I rewaxed and am waiting to see if it might still pop
Do most place that sell scion wood offer it for t budding as well?
This is a picture of a beatsy deaton graft that has taken:

Does it look like it's trying to bloom?
Yes that's a fruit blossom for sure
Ok great should I pinch them off for a few years so to let the tree get established
Both my Swaar and Golden sweet from Maple valley didnt survive the winter, and both according to Maple valley were zone 3 hardy.
Both my Swaar and Golden sweet from Maple valley didnt survive the winter, and both according to Maple valley were zone 3 hardy.
I had bad luck with Maple Valley this year. 80 % of the grafts from them failed and were small very small