Gopher Poison


5 year old buck +
Looking for recommendations on a good poison for pocket gophers. What do others use?

I have a tool that dispenses a small amount of "poison peanuts" (granular mix) into the furrows. (Thee tool is a hollow metal rod that has the ability to open a feed gate to allow poison to flow into the tunnel when you turn the crank.) My wife has become an expert at finding the tunnels and applying the poison we buy at fleet.

But, at one time I read about a more effective poison. Looking for suggestions. I got lots of gophers.
Strychnine on milo. You will need a pesticide applicators card though, it is obviously a RUP. That is what I used to use and tht is what the farmers around here use.
Strychnine on milo. You will need a pesticide applicators card though, it is obviously a RUP. That is what I used to use and tht is what the farmers around here use. where can you buy that?

(come to think about it.....I believe our current poison looks allot like milo seeds. Got ours at the feed store.)
Have cleared the gophers from over 100 acres here with hand trapping , township pays bounty buck a piece paid the taxes one year on gopher bounty alone hardly any left now a few sneak in every spring and fall . On ag fields we use tunnel builder with strychnine bait you need the lic to buy but works well on a large scale . Still prefer to hand trap when theres time . Can buy lots of places just need the card and keep a record of application also much lower cost than consumer packages and more kill power. Mimbachs in sauk rapids mn carries it a bag would last forever using a push bar.
If you cant find a relatively local supplier let me know and I can get you a couple contacts.
Mole and Gopher poison pellets are $6lb plus shipping if you can't find it anywhere else Tom.
I'd skip the poison and buy a few small pan traps. Gophers are easy to trap and it's actually a lot of fun. I have a lot of farmer friends who use poison to kill all sorts of critters, but they stick with trapping for gophers because it's easy and cheap.
I'd skip the poison and buy a few small pan traps. Gophers are easy to trap and it's actually a lot of fun. I have a lot of farmer friends who use poison to kill all sorts of critters, but they stick with trapping for gophers because it's easy and cheap.

Yep, plus some townships pay .50-$1 for a pair of feet off the critters.
Strychnine is the best. Tom, let me know if you can not find it.
Strychnine is the best. Tom, let me know if you can not find it.

Is that strychnine on small seeds Art. I need to get it thru my pocket gopher "machine".

I have a gizmo like this to apply the poison.....and I really like it. (I bought it for my wife for Mothers Day - two years ago. Grin )
I was connecting with Big Jerry on another issue and this came up as a I thought I would pose this question to gather some responses on current practices.

Thanks for all the replies. Pocket Gophers are a HUGE problem for many of us. Trapping is hard for an absentee landowner.
My gopher probe is similar,but an older all metal model.

the strychnine is on seeds. In the past I have bought it locally.
I recommend this guy.

"License to kill gophers by the government of the United Nations. Man, free to kill gophers at will. To kill, you must know your enemy, and in this case my enemy is a varmint. And a varmint will never quit - ever. They're like the Viet-Cong...Varmint-Cong. So you have to fall back on superior firepower and superior intelligence. And that's all she wrote."

Carl Spackler
