Good results - and thanks


5 year old buck +
I was at camp for a few days and checked up on some recent plantings. The serviceberries I planted 2 years ago are at the top of the 5 ft. tall cages and getting bushy with lots of branching. The ROD cuttings I dipped in rooting hormone and stuck in the ground a few weeks ago are pushing sprouts. I tried planting 3 high bush cranberries along a hillside gas pipeline 3 weeks ago and they are really pushing new growth - looking very good so far.

The advice for the ROD cuttings and the high bush cranberries came from guys on this forum. Many thanks to you guys for your help and experience with things you've grown. I can't remember who all gave the good info ( and too many posts to sort through to find who gave pointers ) - but many thanks again !! I've learned a lot from the good gentlemen on here.
So I just plant ROD and Silky Dogwood this spring from WI DNR. Will I be able to take cuttings from them next spring already, dip in hormone and stick them in the ground to produce more? Is it really that easy?
Silver - I can't answer that for you. This is the first we planted ROD, so we have none to try taking cuttings from. I got our ROD cuttings from our state nursery and they just told me to dip them in rooting hormone and stick them in the ground. That's the extent of my experience with ROD so far.
So I just plant ROD and Silky Dogwood this spring from WI DNR. Will I be able to take cuttings from them next spring already, dip in hormone and stick them in the ground to produce more? Is it really that easy?

Basically, yes. You may need another year or two to get enough growth for nice sized cuttings and in the quantity you want. Usually the hard part is protecting them from the deer once they get started.
If you water those cutting enough you will get phenomenal growth. If you can baby them the first year they will explode!
So I just plant ROD and Silky Dogwood this spring from WI DNR. Will I be able to take cuttings from them next spring already, dip in hormone and stick them in the ground to produce more? Is it really that easy?

Like Deisel says. Basically yes. You want to time it so there are no more hard frosts but before the ROD had broken buds. Plant them with the original up facing up or they'll die. Weed barrier and some browse protection will go a long way in helping them make it. At least 2/3 of the cutting below ground. I usually just leave a few buds above ground but they can be hard to see on some cuttings.
Can someone please help this newbie with terminology. What is ROD? Much appreciated.
Red Osier Dogwood. Mojo - look at the post I bumped up called " ROD question ". Check out post #9 from Diesel5610 and the pic he posted.
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