Good eating !!

Yall grilling any this weekend? I have 5 slabs Baby back ribs on smoker now. Can't wait to eat a pile of ribs!

Gonna grill chicken tomorrow. Hamburgers Monday.
If we don't do anything else ....we gonna eat good!
Can you share said recipe? :)

Curious how it compares to what I use. I will be in the boat today catchin' hammer handles with the kids. Make up another gallon next week.

MNFISH is dead on. There is no "Yea its ok". People either gobble it or their face turns inside out.

I did a batch of the pickled sunfish last year. I loved it, but its hard to not fry those up..... How do you clean 4-5" sunnies and get anything to pickle????
Fun activity for the kids?.... Thats right up my alley! :)
Heck yea.

Here is the recipe I have used for a few years now. Nails it every time.
I wrote it all down so I dont have to watch the vid every time. :)

Nice! Just got done eating my share of baby back ribs and don't even want to think about anything to eat right this minute lol