Go Pittsburg!


you elected Trump, Paris didn't :)

Sorry had to!
I watched a good conversation last night, cordial but very different opinions. Nice to see a discussion without rancor. I agreed with the guy who was in favor of pulling out, surprisingly. He said that it was at its core an economic decision. Americans don't want to pay more for an uncertain return. Global warming is happening, but it's unclear that all of the measures that have been put in place are going to accomplish diddly. Of course, not doing anything seems like a poor option, too, but at least it's cheap :). I feel like there's a huge problem that's going to affect everything we've tried to do for our kids and grandkids, but that it's too late to remediate. Sucks.
More cordial conversations would be nice to see. Never know who to believe but if there is any truth to the fact that by the year 2100 the US would have spent billions to reduce the temp 2/10ths of a degree only to have it swallowed by the output of other countries paying zip. It's the right decision economically.
The Pittsburg Paris line was was good and 100% accurate.

That we (Obama) already gave one billion $$$ of our tax dollars for this is just crazy.
We don't need the rest of the liberal world telling the USA what is best for us or what we have to do.
There are plenty of things that can be done to protect the environment without funding some stupid half ass liberal Paris program with our tax dollars, and at the same time still create and keep jobs right here in the USA.

I do believe that global warming is a real thing but I'm not sure it is as bad as the liberal MSM says or liberal scientist who's funding is partially tied to their personal findings. The MSM has a terrible track record for bending the truth and flat out lying any more. Global warming has been cyclic since the beginning of time, when I was a kid the hole in the ozone was a huge topic we were all supposed to be burnt up by ultraviolet rays by now and the rainforest were supposed to all be gone over deforestation.

No one one likes pollution and since the 70's great things have been done to help the problems, sending billions of our tax dollars to some European committee is sure not the answer.
Except Pittsburgh voted overwhelmingly for Clinton.
Ozone problem was controlled with rigorous regulations with international support. Now there's a great idea...
As for the Amazon, it's tough to stay at the top of the news for thirty years. But 20% is gone and another 37.5 million acres disappear every year. How's them apples, habitat guys :emoji_confounded::emoji_anguished:. FYI, that was supposed to be funny. Seriously though, just because we're not hearing about it constantly doesn't mean that it was fake news.

As for climate change, yep...economic decision. Like all decisions, we're rolling the dice. Hope it doesn't come up snake eyes.