Global Cooling?


5 year old buck +
Bored at work today I did a deep dive into the other side of global warming. Lots of "science" is covered up and harder to find on the net buried and hidden away because it doesn't fit the narrative right now of windmills, solar fields and EV's or pouring money into killing the use of fossil fuels as defined in the Parris agreement that has funneled billions of dollars into it. And helping to keep the public in line like sheep. Also, any whisper of global cooling or just plain old climate swings conflicts with everything the MSM and political machines preach these days.

I know that we kicked this topic around this winter some...this weeks hot temps and stuffy humidity made me think about it again while sitting here. It's hot...and it's June, imagine that!
The crops are sure soaking it up, we have waist high corn here already and farmers were cutting wheat and bailing last week double cropping beans in as fast as the bails were loaded...seems a little early. I'm just glad I'm not on the wagon or in the mow these days...although I do miss it some.

Just to throw in some of that pesky contradictory science:

You mean you have an open mind that the climate is ever evolving and what we experience now may just be a part of normal cyclic period ... HERETIC!!!!
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First we have to be forced to blindly follow the "experts" like a bunch of dumb farm animals and hit the panic button on global warming. After they've milked that bullshit for as much money as possible then I would absolutely expect that we must go the other direction and blindly follow the "experts" right over the edge of the cliff and declare the next ice age is right around the corner. jmho
We'll have to live through another half dozen of the world is ending scenarios too. Lost track of how many I've already somehow survived.
Saw this news article on the 18th and wanted to see what the records were for my area. The people in the 50’s must have all died…




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Saw this news article on the 18th and wanted to see what the records were for my area. The people in the 50’s must have all died…




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You will notice that global warming is seasonal. Every summer as July approaches you will notice a serious uptick in "we are all going to die in 5-9 years." Then as fall approaches the stories die out as winter sets in.

This is called "gas-lighting."

But you will be happy to know that the co2ists have shot themselves in the foot. Scientists are starting to get bold and putting ethics ahead of the dollar as the lies get more exposure.

The science is clear, co2 does not control climate.

You can visit our friend Tony for a weekly dose of reality:

Speleothems are the most resolute proxy for climate known today, but you won't hear them mentioned in the newz. I have not seen any reconstructions that support the idea of a co2 controlled climate, and in fact they show climate change to be decoupled from co2 concentrations in most cases, and lags changes in climate in others. The northern latitudes of this planet have been in a 20,000 year warming trend, while the western hemisphere (at least) has been on a 1,600 year warming trend within that 20,000 year warming trend. It is not co2.
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We had an early spring here as our last frost was 3 weeks earlier than our average. But temps in May and June have been cooler than normal. It's June 20th and water in our pool is still too cold to get in it. We're usually using it about a week after Labor Day.
We’ve been wet and cool in Minnesota. Some of the corn fields have 2-4 inch tiny plants. Need heat !
I bought me some carbon credits and the weather is going to 82 all summer, with afternoon rain storms.

I might buy a couple more credits for this fall to try and extend the hunt.
It’s so damn hot this week. Too hot to even fish. I hope it cools fast.
One third of UK 'climate stations' are nonexistent, with temperatures reported being totally fabricated or, at best, estimated.

Warren Meyer has had some thoughtful refutations of the whole 'catastrophic anthropogenic global warming crisis' at his old Coyote Blog... worth reading:

Other good sites, if you're interested in something other than "The Science is Settled" stance...
Dr. Roy Spencer -