5 year old buck +
Bored at work today I did a deep dive into the other side of global warming. Lots of "science" is covered up and harder to find on the net buried and hidden away because it doesn't fit the narrative right now of windmills, solar fields and EV's or pouring money into killing the use of fossil fuels as defined in the Parris agreement that has funneled billions of dollars into it. And helping to keep the public in line like sheep. Also, any whisper of global cooling or just plain old climate swings conflicts with everything the MSM and political machines preach these days.
I know that we kicked this topic around this winter some...this weeks hot temps and stuffy humidity made me think about it again while sitting here. It's hot...and it's June, imagine that!
The crops are sure soaking it up, we have waist high corn here already and farmers were cutting wheat and bailing last week double cropping beans in as fast as the bails were loaded...seems a little early. I'm just glad I'm not on the wagon or in the mow these days...although I do miss it some.
Just to throw in some of that pesky contradictory science:
I know that we kicked this topic around this winter some...this weeks hot temps and stuffy humidity made me think about it again while sitting here. It's hot...and it's June, imagine that!
The crops are sure soaking it up, we have waist high corn here already and farmers were cutting wheat and bailing last week double cropping beans in as fast as the bails were loaded...seems a little early. I'm just glad I'm not on the wagon or in the mow these days...although I do miss it some.
Just to throw in some of that pesky contradictory science:
Earth's 'Fever' Breaks: Global COOLING Currently Under Way
[Disclaimer: Since there is no "normal" temperature of the Earth, there is no way the Earth can have a "fever." The headline's reference to "fever" is for amusement purposes only.] A sampling of recent articles detailing the inconvenient reality of temperature trends around the planet. News...

To The Horror Of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling Is Here
Faith in global warming is collapsing around the world.

Global Warming: Media Ignore Sharp Drop In Global Temperatures Over Past Two Years
NASA data show that global temperatures dropped sharply over the past two years, which would seem contrary to global warming predictions. Not that you'd know it, since that wasn't deemed news.

Milankovitch (Orbital) Cycles and Their Role in Earth's Climate - NASA Science
Small cyclical variations in the shape of Earth's orbit, its wobble and the angle its axis is tilted play key roles in influencing Earth's climate over timespans of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years.

Global cooling? - PubMed
The world's inhabitants, including Scientists, live primarily in the Northern Hemisphere. It is quite natural to be concerned about events that occur close to home and neglect faraway events. Hence, it is not surprising that so little attention has been given to the Southern Hemisphere. Evidence...

Earth can regulate its own temperature over millennia, new study finds
MIT researchers have confirmed that Earth harbors a “stabilizing feedback” mechanism that acts over hundreds of thousands of years to keep global temperatures within a steady, habitable range.
What Happens AFTER Global Warming?
What happens to our heat-trapping fossil fuel emissions after we release them, how long will they persist, and what might life be like in a warming - and then cooling - world?