Getting to the Stand!

I've never done it but I've listened to people that use yote calls to give a Howell or two and that usually clears the plot.

I've had very good luck owl hooting loudly to clear the deer before I climb down. They don't like it and kind of move off unspooked but a little nervous.

I walk to all my stands.
Electric golf carts to get close to stands and minimize scent trails and the visual of hunters walking to deer is much more alarming than a golf cart driving at least by us. Tractors do not bother deer at all by us.
I walk but just because I don't have an electric golf cart! Hope to some day they are sure nice an quiet an no fuel smell.
I walk to all my stands. I've got a good west to east set up that allows me easy access to most of my stands. My woods aren't that big so putting in wider trails would be counter-intuitive to what I'm trying to make for bedding areas and make it easier for poachers to roam freely. I hinge cut most whatever I can to make it as thick as possible.
I have 2 properties one surrounded by small parcels plenty 4 wheeler car traffic noise etc. Deer put up with a lot more human activity. Will just move back short distance into cover. Mature deer rarely move until well after dark.

Other property surrounded large bluffs with timber
And large acres of ag. Have seen deer clear 1/2 mile plus when neighbors or my self enter on 4 wheelers. Human Activety less here by far. I always walk and it is hard 300 ft elevations. Mature deer movement much better during shooting hours this location,

Deer obviously have grown up and know there environment . Caution kicks in on any thing out suddenly out of place such as vehicles entering early am or late evening.

As others mentioned property specific. And most importantly what deer are conditioned to in their environment. Mature deer are highly conditioned !
Rifle season we bumble to and from stands like amateurs.

Bow hunting I sometimes use a fox pro with a remote. Hide it away from the stand and hit the coyote calls when I want out. Works well.

Some plots my bro and I have a system, if I'm not back by X o'clock, come get me with the tractor.
I don't like to bump deer. If they are going to get bumped by sight sound or smell, a gas powered machine is the way to travel. If I can sneak in and out. I sneak in and out.

Mr T once said, 'I pity the fool that surprises a whitetail deer' (unless the surprise is a released arrow or powder burn)
Mr T?

Dating yourself now aren't you?
Mr T?

Dating yourself now aren't you?

I make up quotes from all kinds of super famous folk of repute (like Mr T) to back my beliefs. Rarely will someone follow up and call me out, and if they do Mr T can take the fall.

I plan on doing that when I take over as Deer Czar in MN.

..and quit hijacking threads. Try stay on task. The guy that created this space should be vacationing with Pablo Escobar.
I make up quotes from all kinds of super famous folk of repute (like Mr T) to back my beliefs. Rarely will someone follow up and call me out, and if they do Mr T can take the fall.

I plan on doing that when I take over as Deer Czar in MN.

..and quit hijacking threads. Try stay on task. The guy that created this space should be vacationing with Pablo Escobar.

Pablo is vacationing with some holes in his melon right now!
Pablo is vacationing with some holes in his melon right now!

See how those rumors carry weight?

'..and tonite we report that Pablo Escobar is dead. These pictures taken by Beau Liddel of Little Falls MN prove that drug trafficker turned politician turned taxi service owner Pablo Escobar is indeed dead.'

You funny!
Any truth to the rumor that Beau Liddel is a cross-dresser?
Guys that wear loin cloths for rain dances should beware of cross dressers!

Long time famous quote of JPS's. Jack Pine savages.