Get Ready, A MN CO May Contact You!



Just talking with a friend of mine. His 60 year old FIL and MIL got pinched for cross tagging from last falls deer hunting by long prarie mn. Seems the old man was miffed he could only shoot one deer so he bought his wife a tag and used it. But 2 CO's came by months later and knocked on the door. They said they needed to ask each one about the deer they shot last fall. The wife could not answer what gun she used, caliber, or even what color the bullets were. Nor if it were a buck or a doe. So she had to admit she never hunted. How did the CO's know to knock on there door?

The CO's checked the computer and found incredible amount of new licensed hunters all of a sudden and went out to check if they actually hunted after seeing that many reported a deer harvest for the first time.

So my next statement to friend was, so next year they won't report any deer....right? His reply was no comment!
I don't recommend breaking the law, but I do recommend knowing your rights. The MIL didn't "have" to do anything but shut the F up. The 4th and 5th amendment are there for a reason, people, use them. Don't answer any questions posed to you by any LEO. Good rule of thumb, if they are asking you questions, it's because they want to pin a charge on you. Don't give them anything that will help them do that. It's 8 months after the fact and they have no evidence. Complete fishing trip. SHUT UP, PEOPLE!

On a side note, I'm glad the DNR is actually trying to do do something about the cross tagging.
I don't recommend breaking the law, but I do recommend knowing your rights. The MIL didn't "have" to do anything but shut the F up. The 4th and 5th amendment are there for a reason, people, use them. Don't answer any questions posed to you by any LEO. Good rule of thumb, if they are asking you questions, it's because they want to pin a charge on you. Don't give them anything that will help them do that. It's 8 months after the fact and they have no evidence. Complete fishing trip. SHUT UP, PEOPLE!

On a side note, I'm glad the DNR is actually trying to do do something about the cross tagging.

What, are you from the Ghetto? You Yell 5-0 when the law comes by to warn everyone?

As I learned in my youth, don't break the law and you won't have the cops knock on your door to talk with! It was a hard leasson to learn I might add!
I've watched enough Dateline to know that the cops will pin a crime on the most obvious suspect and ignore and even conceal evidence to the contrary. Why help them, even if you are innocent? Anything you say can and will be used against you. Admit nothing and don't answer questions is the advice any 10 cent lawyer would give you. Mo, you should know all of this.

Don't tell poachers how to avoid paying the penalty ;) I agree with the concept of shutting the F up when the cops roll up, but most honest folks who've done something wrong (or had their spouses/partners/whatever do something wrong) are ready to fess up when the time comes. Now, if they had shot some wolves....I'd be telling them about their Constitutional rights.

Just wish the COs would knock on every license holder's door under similar circumstances. In a community like L.P....the word will get out and the locals will take notice. Which, a darn good thing.

They ain't got enough CO's
I've watched enough Dateline to know that the cops will pin a crime on the most obvious suspect and ignore and even conceal evidence to the contrary. Why help them, even if you are innocent? Anything you say can and will be used against you. Admit nothing and don't answer questions is the advice any 10 cent lawyer would give you. Mo, you should know all of this.

I know very well, that is why them days are long gone.....I hope!
Thanks for the advice McLovin. I need to know how to shut the F up when I blow the head off as many wolves as I possibly can.

As for the deer poachers... I am glad they got busted. I have seen too many wives shoot deer the past ten years without even going into the woods.
Thanks for the advice McLovin. I need to know how to shut the F up when I blow the head off as many wolves as I possibly can.

As for the deer poachers... I am glad they got busted. I have seen too many wives shoot deer the past ten years without even going into the woods.

Interesting reading for you, Buck.

I have no sympathy for poachers, just want my HT friends to know their rights.
The COs don't need to knock on everyone's door. They don't even need to catch everybody. Word just needs to get out that they are coming around asking about first time deer after the zone designation changed. Hit up a two dozen people per county and the word will spread fast enough that people need to get their stories straight, or just knock it off. My guess is when the wife finds out that she's being prepped for a LEO questioning, she may put her foot down. And it would take a special kind of @$$h0le to train their child to lie to the COs as well.
At least some government official in that state is trying to do something to protect the deer herd. :confused:
What always gets me is how people act like it isn't a big deal and then act like they are the victim when they get caught. I love it when cheaters get busted! What also gets me is how they expect you to be "OK" with it when they brag about it - like your the one with the problem!
This is one reason why I brought up that landowners should be able to purchase landowner tags---in certain counties.

The tags can be part of the quota. They do this in most states and it gives landowners/farmers some management options.

If done properly this tag will result in fewer wife tags and more than likely fewer harvests that end up on youth tags.

(I'm talking about a true landowner tag for does, with no requirement to allow public hunting)

Right now a landowner has zero preference in MN, despite paying taxes, often providing a hunting spot for others and feeding the wildlife with crops or food plots.
I've watched enough Dateline to know that the cops will pin a crime on the most obvious suspect and ignore and even conceal evidence to the contrary. Why help them, even if you are innocent? Anything you say can and will be used against you. Admit nothing and don't answer questions is the advice any 10 cent lawyer would give you. Mo, you should know all of this.

I'm watching this video right now. Yowza is all I can say. I think a good share of people are aware of their 5th amendment rights. Trouble is, they likely don't want to offend the officer because he is being polite and objective. This whole concept makes more sense when you consider, while the officer may be a decent guy, he can't vouch for the conduct of the prosecutor who may want to be a governor or senator some day.

And for the folks that think they can outfox the law in a Q&A session, you are sorely mistaken. I get pulled over (never get a ticket) every time I come home from western SD in a rental car, always in the same stretch of road, always by the K-9 unit or I see the K-9 unit nearby. What made me a candidate for being pulled over was being in a car with plates from the east on the back end of a weekend driving away from Colorado. One of those times, I was traveling with a friend and he pulled him out of the car right away and back to the passenger seat of his squad. Nearly ten minutes went by. I got bored, opened up my work computer and started cleaning out email. Officer came back, friend still in squad, and began asking me questions.

Where you coming from?
What did you do while you were there?
Where did you stay?
and on and on.

He kept asking me questions until he was sure we were telling him the truth. The funny part was, after he knew we were being honest, he told me he was asking me those questions because my buddy was in his squad car shaking, turning red, couldn't look him in the eye etc (he gets nervous). I burst out laughing! Then the officer started laughing, walked back to his car and sent my buddy back up and we drove away.

The point is, if it smells fishy, it won't take them long to dig deep enough to uncover an inconsistency in a story and the put the pressure down that you're not telling the truth. Viola, confession.
This is one reason why I brought up that landowners should be able to purchase landowner tags---in certain counties.


I have a dollar we have this system for 2017. Maybe even 2016.

I have another dollar says the couple in question were turned in by somebody. I don't buy the 'first time deer harvest'. CO's don't run around talking to 'first time deer harvesters' asking questions. They knew these people were guilty because somebody tipped them off.
I emailed Ken Soring who heads the MN DNR last winter and asked if I could get a report of the number of first time tag buyers over the past 5 to 10 years.

He put me in contact with someone reporting to him and I was asked to pay a fee to have that report run.....

What a crock of crap. I can go in my database at our work and do very simple searches on all kinds of criteria. I dont even need to go to my IT group to request the reports.

I gaurantee you if they were to put any steam behind the idea, they would see quite an upward climb in "new hunters" annually over the last 5 years.
I emailed Ken Soring who heads the MN DNR last winter and asked if I could get a report of the number of first time tag buyers over the past 5 to 10 years.

He put me in contact with someone reporting to him and I was asked to pay a fee to have that report run.....

What a crock of crap. I can go in my database at our work and do very simple searches on all kinds of criteria. I dont even need to go to my IT group to request the reports.

I gaurantee you if they were to put any steam behind the idea, they would see quite an upward climb in "new hunters" annually over the last 5 years.

I think they have put some steam into it already.
Yea, I am not so sure. I will believe it when I hear more of this.

I think Batman hit it on the head..... this is likely a TIP event versus a "we are doing spot checks and would like to speak with you."

The process the COs used is a very good one to hide the Tipsters Tip.......

I used TIP several years ago..... My only regret for Tipping is the method the CO used.... He didnt do much to hide the Tipsters facts..... I was pointed out very quickly by the cheater.....

That experience was not a good one and it really makes Tipping off someone you know,,,,,,, pretty much something I will never do again.
I dont give a crap about Tipping on someone I dont know.
Yea, I am not so sure. I will believe it when I hear more of this.

I think Batman hit it on the head..... this is likely a TIP event versus a "we are doing spot checks and would like to speak with you."

The process the COs used is a very good one to save the Tipsters Tip.......

Could have been a tip.

But this is what the CO's told both parties is how they found out. I know these people, I believe what they are saying, but don't care either way. And since they got no fine tickets, I don't know why the CO's would need to lie about how they found them.
Hey, I am glad they got the heat.... However it occurred!!!!!!!!!!