Gala and Dolgo didn't make it


5 year old buck +
Any of you guys have random trees just not come back? I planted a dolgo and gala (as a closeout, bareroot) last May. They leafed out nice last year. I had them caged, etc...

This year, dead as a hammer.

Also had that happen w/ 2 of my potted dustan chestnuts. Which was weird because the chestnuts on either side of them (up and down the hill, same sun) didn't get thru.

I thought I'd done it right, and we weren't bitterly cold this winter, does anyone else have those issues?
Lost another Gravenstein. Planted 2 lost one each winter.

My first year I planted 4 trees that I bought at Menards in the fall, and planted them, all 4 came through winter the first year, the second year 3 died. I still have the 4th one alive, but it has never produced any apples, and it is stunted, but I am not sure what kind of apple it is. It blooms with a red flower, so maybe a flowering crab of some sort, but I dont remember buying one of them. Anyhow, those were the only one I had die on me, other then ones that had severe bear damage.
Whenever I lose a tree, I dig it up and try to determine cause of death

Root damage from moles,rodents, borers......? blight,CAR,etc.......poor drainage......poor choice of location,etc

Sometimes never know

Hard not to take personally..........

Keep planting is Rule#1

Yeah had a similar experience this year. Haven’t lost a tree (other than to drought) until this year. Confusing, frustrating, heartbreaking.......and apparently reality. : /
Yeah had a similar experience this year. Haven’t lost a tree (other than to drought) until this year. Confusing, frustrating, heartbreaking.......and apparently reality. : /

How cold did you get?

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How cold did you get?

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Not very cold. Maybe -10 for a night but it seldom gets much below 0 here.
After confirming Apple borers killed a couple of my best trees I went and checked one that died a couple years ago that was still standing. Pulled the screen back and sure enough another bore hole. They now have my attention. This weekend all screens are coming off and fresh paint compound is going on.
After confirming Apple borers killed a couple of my best trees I went and checked one that died a couple years ago that was still standing. Pulled the screen back and sure enough another bore hole. They now have my attention. This weekend all screens are coming off and fresh paint compound is going on.
So I guess the screens don’t stop the borers?
I just painted a lot of my trees last week with more white paint with sevin and permethrin mixed in. Hopefully that helps.
I lost a few NWC planted last spring to voles/mice climbing the screens and three of my Stark pears didn't wake up from winter, the pears were planted fall of 2017 and never really took off good last year.
Also lost way to much in the shrub strips from mice/voles is WAR this fall on them!
So I guess the screens don’t stop the borers?
I just painted a lot of my trees last week with more white paint with sevin and permethrin mixed in. Hopefully that helps.
Could have been an error on my part. All the holes were about two inches above ground level. I guess they could have crawled up from the bottom. These were also 4th leaf plus tree so maybe some of the staples popped.
Anybody have a picture of what to look for in terms of new borer activity? I’ve heard of looking for their “frass” I think but can’t say I’ve ever seen it.
And when are they usually most noticeable, I think it’s spring/early summer?
You can see the hole here. I guess you need to catch them in the act.

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