Fun Video Compilation

Not a snow bird. Just a visitor off an on through the year.
We lived in Cape Coral for about 18 months and keep the house when we moved. No sense taking a bath when real estate prices fell if you don't have to.
Would you like some help reducing the pig population?
Wow!!! You have some very nice mature bucks on your property!!! I would not have thought that you'd have such bucks like that in N. FL. You're doing it right. I love all the vid except it became a horror film when I saw pigs! LOL!!! I HATE pigs!!! We have them on our lease and if you drive a tractor, you hate pigs!

The ONLY good thing about pigs is they eat cottonmouths. Rarely do I see CM's on our lease on the Tombigbee River in SW Alabama and it's because of the pigs we have. Too many pigs. If we had one pig on my lease, it would be one too many!!

Great vid! Thanks for posting!