Tree Spud
5 year old buck +
110 in Iowa
I happened to be down there when they were combining this fall and snapped a photo .View attachment 48964
I could sit there all day

110 in Iowa
I happened to be down there when they were combining this fall and snapped a photo .View attachment 48964
Shares is probably more common than per acre rental.Cash rent can be better for landowner because he always gets the payment even if crop doesn't make.On 1/3s owner gets 1/3 of crop.This year we didn't harvest any of my 100 acres of beans,good thing I had insurance on the crop.At least I got 70% of 5 year average. Most properties you don't have to create a business to deduct costs you just have to make a profit sometimes.
I wouldn’t do anything signed over one season at a time.Do y’all sign contracts with farmers? My farmer mentioned it to me that he normally does 3-5 years but I’m going to tell him i don’t sign anything over on my property. I don’t want to be bound to anything. I’m still considering pulling my 60 acres of tillable out of rotation after this cycle.
That’s what I got this year too. But he called me and said he normally gets a contract. I get it from his end but unfortunately for him I didn’t buy the property for farmers!I don’t have a contract per se, but my farmer sends me a check in January every year. In the note is says field rental.
Kind of a contract?
Another thing that I’ve considered if I have him leave standing corn…… that my plots are on the outside edges of my fields. The wildlife hammers the outside edges. So when I “buy” that corn , I’m essentially buying the worst parts of the field, with the least ears.
What do you mean with the last part? Like you wouldn’t trust someone to farm it without a contract?Absolutely. My dad left the outside 12 rows this year in a spot. Didn't have a single ear in it. Lol
If you arrange for some crop to be left, spell it out in no uncertain terms in a written lease. No way would I have a random farmer working on my land without a lease.
Absolutely. My dad left the outside 12 rows this year in a spot. Didn't have a single ear in it. Lol
If you arrange for some crop to be left, spell it out in no uncertain terms in a written lease. No way would I have a random farmer working on my land without a lease.
I’m looking for an excuse to drop the crops so if I get screwed that will make my decision super easy.I learned that the hard way. On second year of lease farmer decided to only pay half the lease price because crop was not as good as he wanted. Then they agreed to lime 1st 3 years and i dropped the lease price a bit as concession. They only limed the 1st year.
I would write in the lease agreed upon crops, winter planting, liming, access points, trimming/removal of trees near field (you must agree), payment amount & times. There are probably more to consider.
What do you mean with the last part? Like you wouldn’t trust someone to farm it without a contract?
Yeah my guy is salt of the earth type. Super honest. I have zero concerns about his characterMost guys are honest, but you don't want to get stuck with the 1 who isn't. It's just normal business to have a lease. Ask around for names who have a solid rep. I prbly wouldn't go with a big shark who rents most his ground and leases his machinery.