Fruit Tree Buying Season

You have to get very specific varieties, but there are pears out there for zone 3.

Do you have any recommendations and recommended sources?

Midwest Deer Trees that is local to me thought I was borderline and probably not worth the risk for the zone 4 trees he sells.
I didn’t know your zone but maybe Ely pear, Early Gold, Golden Spice and some of the Russian selections might work.
Do you have any recommendations and recommended sources?

Midwest Deer Trees that is local to me thought I was borderline and probably not worth the risk for the zone 4 trees he sells.
I‘m also right on the border of zone 3 and 4A and have a Ure, an Early Gold, and a Patten pear tree that have survived their first 2 winters and have even produced a couple pears so far. I bought these from a local nursery in 2020. I did also have a couple Parker pears planted at that same time that were listed as zone 3 hearty but they were not as fortunate.
Do you have any recommendations and recommended sources?

Midwest Deer Trees that is local to me thought I was borderline and probably not worth the risk for the zone 4 trees he sells.

I am in the process myself. I lost all my pear trees, and I have decided to start over with pears that are clearly zoned for 4 or colder, preferably Zone 3. I don't have any experience yet, but I have been reading about the experiences of others. I will probably start a thread about it soon so we have a place to consolidate information on the topic.
I am in the process myself. I lost all my pear trees, and I have decided to start over with pears that are clearly zoned for 4 or colder, preferably Zone 3. I don't have any experience yet, but I have been reading about the experiences of others. I will probably start a thread about it soon so we have a place to consolidate information on the topic.
Look to the U of M hardy website they have a new pear out and they list sources to buy ,, pear name Juicy Jewel has worked here northern zone 4 or the old zone three
Since September 1st seems to be the day most fruit trees websites start sales, anyone have big plans? I'm running out of room personally. I was eyeing up a couple remaining strategic spots yet. Might switch over and start planting some wild pears and apples that I can attempt to graft later on. I bought a couple wild crab apples from Blue Hill last year and they've been doing pretty well, even in the drought we've had. I've only watered them a few times.
If you need help grafting them over, let me know as you could still give them a little chip bud and be off to the races next spring!
No particular plan right now. I have some apples and pears to move from my nursery. Some persimmons to graft next year. Might add a couple more improved hazelnuts.
Wind Gypsy,

There are good sources for apple and crabapple on here. However, if you get skunked, I would try SLN nurseries. Every tree I ordered is alive and doing well, except one tree. Not much growth, but it's healthy.

I order 25 rootstocks antonovka's for $60 plus shipping. I split an order with a coworker who just built a house. We ordered in march, he got a homesteader package with several different trees and shrubs. IT might have been early april possibly.

They had a few grafted stock left too. Wife tosses around selliing the house or not. Her parents are in their 70's andthey live next door. Any apple tree is better than none. They did get a spell of apple cedar rust first coming in, but transplanted trees are stressed. Going to see how they do next year.
Saw online that Whitetail Crabs will be offering larger, potted trees to local customers (no shipping)...that may change my plans a little bit as it is only about an hour away from me. and I do love me some larger, more well-established trees...
This may be a good place to get fruit trees for zones 1-4. I have no personal experience with them.

This may be a good place to get fruit trees for zones 1-4. I have no personal experience with them.

A good place for Canadians to order trees. They don't ship to the U.S.
My local Tractor Supply had a fall batch of fruit trees come in this week. I can’t help myself so I picked up two Keiffer pear trees today and planted out on the new farm this evening. I’ve actually had pretty good luck with Tractor Supplies Keiffer pear trees in the past.
Only problem with the bigger holed cages. Damn Fawn
Yep have had same problem. Have a Kerr that has not grown much since top got eaten off a couple of yrs ago. Planted a few more of them last yr to get some to grow better and now starting trees in cages like that use a partial tube until they get a bit taller. Munching side branches I can live with but eating the top 1/3 really sets a young tree back
Yep have had same problem. Have a Kerr that has not grown much since top got eaten off a couple of yrs ago. Planted a few more of them last yr to get some to grow better and now starting trees in cages like that use a partial tube until they get a bit taller. Munching side branches I can live with but eating the top 1/3 really sets a young tree back
That one might actually be a Kerr. I forget. It's either that one or the one beside it. Luckily it just nibbled a few of the side leaves off. I have a couple extra tubes laying around. I need to stake it too. It's starting to lean already/.
Anyone have experience with Gilmer Christmas, Gate and Ms. Laneene pears and Rosseyanka Persimmon from The Wildlife Group?
Anyone have experience with Gilmer Christmas, Gate and Ms. Laneene pears and Rosseyanka Persimmon from The Wildlife Group?

Gate was a good producer

Fireblight got it this year

I may have saved it with aggressive pruning as whats left seems to be healthy
