Fox hole?


5 year old buck +
Came across this hole today. There was a family of fox living about a half mile away. Did one of them move closer? Or is that something else?
Where's the picture?
I would look for hair around mouth of hole to give you a clue or bones/scat around it. Could be fox or groundhog or badger? Is there only the one hole? If you have an xtra trail cam set it up and you will know for sure.
Fox tend to be pretty messy around their den sites. Lots of feathers, bones, etcc....
Coyote. I ran a cam on one by me a couple years back and had videos of yotes and the pups. As much as I don't like them it was pretty cool to watch.
I think the hole is only about a month old, right under the fenceline of a horse pasture we're not currently using. So it's just an open grass field. I'll have to stick a trail cam over there. We hear lots of coyotes in the woods behind our place, but haven't seen any this close.

Just make sure this lady doesn't live next door. I love the comments on her video. Viewers told her the sad truth.
