forest regrowth update(9 months)


5 year old buck +
0124161027.jpgThis is a picture of one of the small 2 acre clear cuts I had done last winter. The areas that were clear cut had a good amount of aspen in them. The hardwoods were all select cut, with mostly the poor quality trees being cut to allow the high quality trees to grow with out all the competition.
View attachment 10924This is a picture of one of the small 2 acre clear cuts I had done last winter. The areas that were clear cut had a good amount of aspen in them. The hardwoods were all select cut, with mostly the poor quality trees being cut to allow the high quality trees to grow with out all the competition.
0911160822.jpg This is a recent picture of the aspen regeneration. They are getting heavy browsing, but are holding up pretty well. They seem to be just stripping the leaves off. Aspen and maples seem to be their favorite. I haven't seen any browsing on the oaks, which is good.
View attachment 10925 This is a recent picture of the aspen regeneration. They are getting heavy browsing, but are holding up pretty well. They seem to be just stripping the leaves off. Aspen and maples seem to be their favorite. I haven't seen any browsing on the oaks, which is good.
0820160748.jpg Maple shoots from stumps. Most of these have very heavy browsing. This one had only light browse and is 6-8ft tall. I never knew maples could grow this much in less than a year. I was nervous at first with the logging, but like all the guys that gave me advice on this site about logging their woods, I couldn't be happier with the results. The woods is looking great with regrowth of everything. This is the most deer I've had on the property in 9 years. The deer seem to hang out in the cut areas all during the day and hit the food plots in the evening.
There you go ........ ^^^^ That's the ticket. New growth = deer, grouse, nest spots for turkeys, etc. I dropped some concrete mesh cages over the maple and oak stumps ( when we logged ) to keep the deer off them until the shoots could get some meat on them. Cut areas attract deer like flies.