FOR SALE NE PA< assorted farm tools and implement and tractor parts & more


5 year old buck +
OK, not really sure how to list this
but I am in NE PA< zip code 18237
I had to clean out a older farm building for a friend, a 60+ yr old farm, active from 1920's till mid 1980's
I got like 2500 lbs of assorted parts to implements, tractors and assorted juts STUFF
buckets of parts, , nuts bolts, washers, electrical parts, car parts, tractor parts
just 50 yrs of things they acquired over the yrs

I have a 16x20 shed pretty full of this stuff, have what fits in 5 gallon buckets in buckets, and what doesn't in some 30 gallon totes and what doesn't fit there stuck where it could go

SO, impossible for me to post pic's of it all
each 5 gallon bucket weighs about 30-70 lbs

I would love to sell it all, in a lump sum, or how ever I can to make room back in my shed

SO< if anyone is from PA< and wants to take a ride and have a look, its all priced to sell!

I can email pic's of a bunch of things I layed out on a trailer a (mostly the bigger stuff, IH tractor parts still in the box, many brand new yet!
some implement parts , and so on)
to give you an idea of what is here too, before anyone makes a drive
but again, due to there being SO Much, NO way to photo it all,

there is also a boat and a canoe too! with titles and PA registration

there is just a LOT of stuff
SO< please let me know if anyone has any interest, love to make room in shed before winter!
ok here's some pic's
and again a LOT more this is a small sample of STUFF
is a boat, a canoe, electric motors, and just a LOT of STuff
and I need it gone, so I will let it go cheap??


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some more pic's


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Info on the canoe or a picture by chance
OK thanks for the interest, But for what ever reason I CANNOT Load any pictures on this site, I tried contacting the site asking for help, but NO one ever got back to me SO
If you like, you can PM me an email and I can surely send that way/

the story on the boat is rather simple, a old friend of mine bought it new back in the 60's,. for use on his farm, he got old and stopped using it, so it sat in his barn not used for about 25 yrs, I bought it off him and just left it in the barn along with the boat and a LOT of other things, so I just kept all things there, as I had plans to some day buy the whole farm off him .
But other family members got involved after he passed away and I lost the chance to buy the whole farm
SO< AUgr of 2015, I had to remove all my things off this farm, and that included this canoe
it didn't have any registration or Hull number, as prior to its build it wasn't required
SO< I ended up, getting it registered here in PA, and also getting a title
I cleaned it up, and painted with some special aluminum boat paint(made to be submerged)
its a 17 ft HD Starcraft made canoe
Nothing is wrong with it, I just don't have a use for it, love to see it find a home before winter!
a HONEST reasonable offer takes it!
Let me know if you want me to email you some pic's ?
I would think those jacks probably have some value to a collector or anitiques dealer.
yeah I have seen them on EBay and other places going for some HIGH asking prices
everything is OLD< it was a 100 + yr old farm, and the last ones on the farm were in there 90's when they died, and was there fathers farm prior
I kinda of got the contents of the place(would have rather'd the farm itself)
but I just don't have room really to store it all, have SO much I haven't even gone thru yet due to space
was hoping to maybe LUMP a pile together and see if anyone was interested in it all, as a way to move more , more than trying to make a higher end item sell alone!
I did sell the snowblower two weeks ago, so that isn't available anymore !