Foodplot creation


5 year old buck +
This year we put in an approximately 3/4 acre foodplot in the middle of our farm. I worked my youngest son like a borrowed mule. We cut down a hundred or so trees (mostly small sapling) to large trees in size. We burn wood for all our heat, so that helped. We left a few larger trees that I may cut later. But not the oaks. Hinge cut around perimeter. Hired a guy with dozer to remove all stumps. My step dad has a DR tiller and he tilled the entire plot. Sowed winter rye and clover. Turned out great.
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Saved a lot of time using tiller


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About a week after sowing seed.20170904_154937.jpg
About two weeks after planting
I like how you have your stand back behind the brush piles, and back away from the plot.
First time this buck showed up. Entered plot at north end. Worked a scrape and bumped a couple does.
Seconds laterIMG_1425.JPG
There you go.....that looks to be near the bare ground maple forest! I like seeing Jake helping as well..... builds character! Glad to see it worked out for you.
Congratulations ghilliehunter. Great job. Don't you just love it when a plan comes together?
Jbird, yes, east of the barren maples, clearly cut down 90% maples in that area. As time goes on, after removal of honeysuckle and Autumn Olive, we will start work on the Dead Zone.
Semisane, absolutely! That's why deer habitat addicts do what we do.
Jbird, thank the Lord for Jake! He was worth two normal workers. On top of the plot, we also built a horse barn for momma and a wood shed this year.
Congrats on all of that. Success with the food plot and of course that brute of a buck. Nicely done sir.
Great buck! You worked hard for him and deserve it. Your son is really flexin' the guns. He's going to be strong.
Congrats on the food plot and the buck!
Nice job on the food plot, I know it was a lot of work. Nice buck too.
Great buck and glad to see the work paid off. You got to be sick to do what we do clearing lots for food plots. I did the same thing 3 years ago. Had the excavator for the stumps and brought in (6) 10 wheeler loads of topsoil. I forget how many yards it was. Great job.
Jbird, thank the Lord for Jake! He was worth two normal workers. On top of the plot, we also built a horse barn for momma and a wood shed this year.
It's good you and Jake have those types of projects..... good for that father/son bond.