Food Lion Trees


5 year old buck +
If you live in the south , most likely your local Food Lion got in their shipment of trees. They had some right nice sized trees all priced $18.99
They had pears, Plums and a few apple varities . About the only thing I'd be interested in is the Granny Smith Apple trees , One food lion had two of them at least 10-12 foot tall bent over to fit under the overhang. They had a couple Gayla trees also.

Don't get me wrong I have 7 trees coming from Whitetail crabs and I've ordered from Blue Hill.... but for $18.99 if I have the room I may pick up one of those Granny Smiths for my tree plot..
If you live in the south , most likely your local Food Lion got in their shipment of trees. They had some right nice sized trees all priced $18.99
They had pears, Plums and a few apple varities . About the only thing I'd be interested in is the Granny Smith Apple trees , One food lion had two of them at least 10-12 foot tall bent over to fit under the overhang. They had a couple Gayla trees also.

Don't get me wrong I have 7 trees coming from Whitetail crabs and I've ordered from Blue Hill.... but for $18.99 if I have the room I may pick up one of those Granny Smiths for my tree plot..
I always shop the end of the year home depot, lowes, tractor supply sales. I much prefer blue hill too but one year I got 4 plums for $7 each and they were all 10+ ft. They've really done well other than the tree rats clean every off as soon as it's ripe.
Not a fan of big box trees. Of the 10 I have bought, only 1 has survived.
I try to recommend granny smith. Gets ripe here in early november in zone 6 hudson valley NY. I just walked around at home and did a second look pruning. Clipped some lower branches off my granny smith and sealed them.

Bust that bucket up. Probably rootballed. IF your gonna do it, do it. Food lion is not in the nursery business. Also, 10ft trees are nice to put in the ground, keep in mind the rootball. If there's not enough roots and your not around to water them often, prune back that monster whip. Got a huge freedom in a 3 gallon pot. Literally watered it every day and it needed it. About 100% certain it would of been dead if I planted it and watered it 2 or 3 times if it was at camp.

From last year's experience, I like to spray when I get new trees. Got an infestation of apple aphids potting a bareroot. Malathion if the leaves are out, but no buds. Neem oil if dormant. Tractor supply had honeycrisp. If they use domestic apple rootstock. Full sized seedlings.

There's plenty of happy hunters with box store trees around their treestand. Last year my hunting spot got some dig ups. (2) 30-06's on B118, kerr on anty, and a blue pearmain. Jsut making room for other varieties. Gonna visit them next weekend to prune. Might put a treestand up too.
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I think I've bought 9 trees from lowes and only had one die and it only died after I moved it because I planted it too close to a walnut tree. Didn't know that was bad when I planted it.
Not a fan of big box trees. Of the 10 I have bought, only 1 has survived.
Between me and my Father we have well over a dozen , probably closer to 2 dozen big box trees and I can only remember losing 1 , I believe it was Pecan .
I try to recommend granny smith. Gets ripe here in early november in zone 6 hudson valley NY. I just walked around at home and did a second look pruning. Clipped some lower branches off my granny smith and sealed them.

Bust that bucket up. Probably rootballed. IF your gonna do it, do it. Food lion is not in the nursery business. Also, 10ft trees are nice to put in the ground, keep in mind the rootball. If there's not enough roots and your not around to water them often, prune back that monster whip. Got a huge freedom in a 3 gallon pot. Literally watered it every day and it needed it. About 100% certain it would of been dead if I planted it and watered it 2 or 3 times if it was at camp.

From last year's experience, I like to spray when I get new trees. Got an infestation of apple aphids potting a bareroot. Malathion if the leaves are out, but no buds. Neem oil if dormant. Tractor supply had honeycrisp. If they use domestic apple rootstock. Full sized seedlings.

There's plenty of happy hunters with box store trees around their treestand. Last year my hunting spot got some dig ups. (2) 30-06's on B118, kerr on anty, and a blue pearmain. Jsut making room for other varieties. Gonna visit them next weekend to prune. Might put a treestand up too.
I hear you, The bulk of my Hunting tree plot has trees from Whitetail Crabs , Blue Hill and The Wild Life group.
The first trees I ever planted here probably 20 years ago were two Granny Smith Apple trees from Lowes in the front yard. I probably never pruned them properly when young , BUT regardless for a deer apple the are great. They produce a lot and drop from around June right up until Nov , with a few holding into Dec. The deer come up every evening looking for those granny smiths starting in June.

I have 7 trees coming next month, I have to look and see if I have a spot for another Granny Smith. One food Lion had Granny Smith's in the 4-5 foot range , I'm wondering if the two BIG 10 foot trees at the 2 nd Food Lion were actual Granny Smith's or tagged wrong , because other years they had a few tall Maple trees in the 10-12 foot range.
If I have time I'll go back and take a better look tomorrow.