5 year old buck +
No pictures unfortunately. I went out fishing mid morning after putting in a few hours at work on Saturday. The water was a bit cloudy and the trout were hungry. I was fishing a lower nondesignated stretch of a good trout stream. I caught small mouth bass, red horse, and brown trout. I usually catch a few brook trout out of there but didn't this time. Long story short, I walked down stream to where I usually start to fish and started to fish up. Fish were feeding well. I had several get off and also picked up a couple here and there as I moved up. I reached the nice hole that I usually turn around at and picked up a decent brown on the first cast. Made a few casts with nothing and then my rod bent over. I actually thought I had on a catfish or a walleye because the fish wouldnt come off of the bottom and I use a medium weight rod. The fish ended up being a 21" male brown. Next cast was another trout in the 10-12" range. Next cast again my rod bends over and a large trout erupts out of the water clearing its tail by a couple feet. It jumped a few more times but didnt put up as much as a fight as the big male did. Big female 23" right on the dot.
I figured that was enough for one day so I quickly released her and headed home with a big smile on my face.
I figured that was enough for one day so I quickly released her and headed home with a big smile on my face.