First Hog Hunt


5 year old buck +
I am taking our senior leadership team to Mangum, Oklahoma for a hog hunt in Mid-February. This will be the first hog hunt for us all. We'll be hunting four locations on two farms, and the local conservation officers, who is a friend, is baiting the sites for us. I'm taking an AR with red-dot and 7mm Rem Mag. Should be a fun hunt. We are planning on bringing home some meat of the smaller (30-45#) squealers.
I’ve only went wild hog hunting once, but I was happy with the meat quality of the larger sows as well. We never killed any big boars, but we shot 7 pigs between 50 and 200 pounds and they were all tasty.
I am taking our senior leadership team to Mangum, Oklahoma for a hog hunt in Mid-February. This will be the first hog hunt for us all. We'll be hunting four locations on two farms, and the local conservation officers, who is a friend, is baiting the sites for us. I'm taking an AR with red-dot and 7mm Rem Mag. Should be a fun hunt. We are planning on bringing home some meat of the smaller (30-45#) squealers.
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Anyone going have a thermal? Does the outfitter allow night hunting?
Make sure it's not one of the 40 acre places where they bring in a pig for each shooter and turn them loose.ZLike one of these places told us once ,a fence won't keep a hog but food does.We have been on a couple of rip off hunts where they flat lied to us. I was thinking they changed the law to where they couldn't bring texas hogs in
Anyone going have a thermal? Does the outfitter allow night hunting?
According to the conservation officer, we can not hunt at night as that is reserved for resident landowners.
Make sure it's not one of the 40 acre places where they bring in a pig for each shooter and turn them loose.ZLike one of these places told us once ,a fence won't keep a hog but food does.We have been on a couple of rip off hunts where they flat lied to us. I was thinking they changed the law to where they couldn't bring texas hogs in
We are not using an outfitter.

Here is the backstory. One member of my leadership team used to pastor First Baptist Church in Mangum. His friends from the community include the local conservation officer and several farmers. Those locals are coordinating the logistics for the hunt and planning the “ambush sites” for between two farms. They started putting corn out about two weeks ago. Should be a fun experienced.
Cook the ribs.
We are not using an outfitter.

Here is the backstory. One member of my leadership team used to pastor First Baptist Church in Mangum. His friends from the community include the local conservation officer and several farmers. Those locals are coordinating the logistics for the hunt and planning the “ambush sites” for between two farms. They started putting corn out about two weeks ago. Should be a fun experienced.
Should be a great hunt. I did that for a guy who came down from up north last year and it worked like clockwork - six months ago. I couldnt bait up a hog now if my life depended on it.😁
Got a lot of experience hunting hogs in oklahoma. fun at first, but they seriously affect the deer hunting. please come to oklahoma and get all you can. here's some points..
a-there's a ton of hogs in oklahoma, doesn't make sense to truck them in
b-didn't know a non-resident couldn't hunt at night. in okla, i believe you can hunt pigs day/night, any type of weapon, & you don't even have to have a hunting license.
c-if they're in your area, bait em up, put cell cams out. scout pig will come by first, eat for a minute, and leave. couple of hours later, they all come.
d-you'll usually hear them before you see them. if you hear what u think is a dog growling, the big boar is near
e-bring all the gun you got. 7mm mag is perfect
f-shoot them in the head, the big ones will still get back up, be ready to shoot them again
g-if you're close to em, be ready, cause they will try to run you over
h-once they scatter, good luck finding them again. i've seen sounders run well over mile without stopping, they will come back the next day tho
i-most all the pigs i've shot appeared healthy and fat. They're a pain in the ass to process, but, as with any other wild game, do it right and the pork is primo, minus the steriods and whatever else the USDA requires/tolerates.

Good luck, sounds like you're in good hands. Welcome to Oklahoma!
I've butchered 13 this winter and last. Never had any bad meat yet, it's all been delicious.
Good deal bet you have a good time. Alot of places that offer hunts in Okla. have like 40-80 acres and it's behind fence so they have to replenish every weekend for their shooters
Make sure it's not one of the 40 acre places where they bring in a pig for each shooter and turn them loose.ZLike one of these places told us once ,a fence won't keep a hog but food does.We have been on a couple of rip off hunts where they flat lied to us. I was thinking they changed the law to where they couldn't bring texas hogs in
I went on a hog hunt in South Carolina years ago. It was.a real hunt in a huge marsh of public land. One of the coolest hunts I ever did. I rember our guide telling us a story about someone he knew that went on what was supposed to be a actual wild hog hunt. The rules were you were not allowed to leave your treestand without a guide. Hogs were unlimited, shoot as many as you want. Well I guess the hunter was bored and got down and went for a little walk. He came across a fenced in hog pen full of hogs. He realized he was duped and they only let a few of the hogs out of the pen for the hunters. I guess this hunter was so pissed he shot everyone of the hogs in the cage.
Good deal bet you have a good time. Alot of places that offer hunts in Okla. have like 40-80 acres and it's behind fence so they have to replenish every weekend for their shooters
you're right, i didn't think about it that way. im so used to dealing with them naturally that those scenarios don't even cross my mind.
My hogs will NOT come back to a feed location the night they are shot at. If it is a sow and younger pigs, they might come back in a few days. A big boar might not come back for a month. My pigs are pressured though. My hogs are more nocturnal than an eight year old buck. They will never be at a feed location until after dark
Yeah, with alot of pressure they will change for sure. The last few years i basically almost stopped feeding for deerhunting. I can't kill enough of them, they always come back at some time, so not putting any food out is the only way to keep them away from me.
I wish they were not on the land I deer hunt for sure, nothing but a huge pain in the arse!
Yeah, with alot of pressure they will change for sure. The last few years i basically almost stopped feeding for deerhunting. I can't kill enough of them, they always come back at some time, so not putting any food out is the only way to keep them away from me.
I wish they were not on the land I deer hunt for sure, nothing but a huge pain in the arse!
On my deer hunting land, I have gone from killing 153 in six months to not getting a picture of one maybe every month or two. But, I live on my property and if I wake up to piss at 3 in the morning and there is a hog on cam, I pull my clothes on and head out. If you pressure them enough, they stay gone. But you cant do that unless you live there.

Do you not fence your feeders? We fence all our deer feed locations. Will make up the cost of the fencing in one month. I leave some feed locations unfenced just because I like to shoot hogs
i have a nice 800 acre lease on a cattle ranch, so I have to occasionally deal with cows too. When those cows are around, (they move them around, so you never know), them damn things can't stay out of anything. Last thing i want is to have one get tangled up in one of my fences, and have to deal with that.
The last few years, i haven't even had a feeder out. Just been sprinkling a little corn on the ground near my cams to get pics.
It's kinda bizzare, but the first 3 years i had this lease, no pigs. Then 1 day some showed up. Helluva deal, i thought at the time, let's hunt some hogs. My son and I probably took around 100 in the next few years with the shoot on sight rule. Hunted them at night with dogs and bowie knives, and even had a helicopter hunt the property once, and they said they knocked about 40 down. Like you said, we put all the pressure we could for a few years, and they definetely thinned out, but, turn your back one season, and it doesn't take them long to repopulate.
i do like hunting hogs, but not during deer season. when they're around, the deer in my area avoid them and move to another part of the property, making it almost impossible to pattern the bucks.
When i hear of people paying to go on a hunt for pigs, honestly i kinda chuckle. If they're going to spend money, they need to go out with the hog dog guys and get their moneys worth. Its brutal, but way more exciting than popping one with a rifle.
i have a nice 800 acre lease on a cattle ranch, so I have to occasionally deal with cows too. When those cows are around, (they move them around, so you never know), them damn things can't stay out of anything. Last thing i want is to have one get tangled up in one of my fences, and have to deal with that.
The last few years, i haven't even had a feeder out. Just been sprinkling a little corn on the ground near my cams to get pics.
It's kinda bizzare, but the first 3 years i had this lease, no pigs. Then 1 day some showed up. Helluva deal, i thought at the time, let's hunt some hogs. My son and I probably took around 100 in the next few years with the shoot on sight rule. Hunted them at night with dogs and bowie knives, and even had a helicopter hunt the property once, and they said they knocked about 40 down. Like you said, we put all the pressure we could for a few years, and they definetely thinned out, but, turn your back one season, and it doesn't take them long to repopulate.
i do like hunting hogs, but not during deer season. when they're around, the deer in my area avoid them and move to another part of the property, making it almost impossible to pattern the bucks.
When i hear of people paying to go on a hunt for pigs, honestly i kinda chuckle. If they're going to spend money, they need to go out with the hog dog guys and get their moneys worth. Its brutal, but way more exciting than popping one with a rifle.
I understand about the cows. I have a cattle ranching neighbor who lets Me hunt some of his ground and I wouldnt dare put up a 32” fence. I bought my land over 20 years ago and we shot hogs in the day time. After five years of shooting them, they went totally nocturnal. Even in years when we kill a 100 hogs - we might not see one during daylight.

My hogs dont displace my deer other than move them over 100 yards. I have got pics of hogs and deer at a feeder at the same time. But, I live in an area where hogs were free ranged from 1900 to 2000. Half of that time, there were almost no deer. Our deer have not ever known a time with no hogs.

We also have USDA trappers that come to your property for free and trap them. They have put a hurt on the hogs in my area.

I have to admit, I like hogs. I have a lot of deer, but I only shoot once or twice a year. I probably shoot 100 times a year at hogs.
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For the rest of this story, check out First Hog Hunt in the successful hunts thread.
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Got a lot of experience hunting hogs in oklahoma. fun at first, but they seriously affect the deer hunting. please come to oklahoma and get all you can. here's some points..
a-there's a ton of hogs in oklahoma, doesn't make sense to truck them in
b-didn't know a non-resident couldn't hunt at night. in okla, i believe you can hunt pigs day/night, any type of weapon, & you don't even have to have a hunting license.
c-if they're in your area, bait em up, put cell cams out. scout pig will come by first, eat for a minute, and leave. couple of hours later, they all come.
d-you'll usually hear them before you see them. if you hear what u think is a dog growling, the big boar is near
e-bring all the gun you got. 7mm mag is perfect
f-shoot them in the head, the big ones will still get back up, be ready to shoot them again
g-if you're close to em, be ready, cause they will try to run you over
h-once they scatter, good luck finding them again. i've seen sounders run well over mile without stopping, they will come back the next day tho
i-most all the pigs i've shot appeared healthy and fat. They're a pain in the ass to process, but, as with any other wild game, do it right and the pork is primo, minus the steriods and whatever else the USDA requires/tolerates.

Good luck, sounds like you're in good hands. Welcome to Oklahoma!
In hindsight, I would agree that bringing more gun would be wise. We had great guide and generally good weather until the last hunt, which was almost a sand storm (and the one which connected me to a hog).

It was a fun experience, and I hope to return to the area next year.