i have a nice 800 acre lease on a cattle ranch, so I have to occasionally deal with cows too. When those cows are around, (they move them around, so you never know), them damn things can't stay out of anything. Last thing i want is to have one get tangled up in one of my fences, and have to deal with that.
The last few years, i haven't even had a feeder out. Just been sprinkling a little corn on the ground near my cams to get pics.
It's kinda bizzare, but the first 3 years i had this lease, no pigs. Then 1 day some showed up. Helluva deal, i thought at the time, let's hunt some hogs. My son and I probably took around 100 in the next few years with the shoot on sight rule. Hunted them at night with dogs and bowie knives, and even had a helicopter hunt the property once, and they said they knocked about 40 down. Like you said, we put all the pressure we could for a few years, and they definetely thinned out, but, turn your back one season, and it doesn't take them long to repopulate.
i do like hunting hogs, but not during deer season. when they're around, the deer in my area avoid them and move to another part of the property, making it almost impossible to pattern the bucks.
When i hear of people paying to go on a hunt for pigs, honestly i kinda chuckle. If they're going to spend money, they need to go out with the hog dog guys and get their moneys worth. Its brutal, but way more exciting than popping one with a rifle.