Thanks guys! He said it was the longest half hour of his life waiting to go look for it.
Nice! Congrats. I have a 53 year old buddy who can't contain his excitement to either make a good shot or wait long enough to make his marginal shot work. He finally connected on Sunday. Still made a bad shot, but managed to wait an hour and a half this time before jumping it. It only went a short distance and laid down again so he called me (about 8:30 am) and asked what to do. "The same thing I tell you to do every year. Go home, smoke a bowl, eat some breakfast and go find him dead at noon."
Definitely a yearling. Living fat on corn, soybeans, acorns, & alfalfa.Congrats. Is that a yearling or 2.5 yo? If that is a yearling he was certainly eating well. He has to be stoked.
Way to go! I still remember my first bow kill....and it's been a very long time ago...Special day for your son and I'm betting a special one for you as well.