
A good 3 year old buck
Hey everyone. Has anyone used that site for purchasing larger sizes fruit trees? I'm planning on buying a few test pears and apples next year to supplement my current plantings but, was wondering if anyone has any positive or negative reviews on them! Thanks!!
I've used that site just for tree info - not to buy anything.
Checked only one of their twelve apples against an .org disease resistance chart. It was vs and s for fire blight AND cedar rust. That is Very susceptible and susceptible. Not for us.
I have not bought anything from them, so I hesitate to say anything negative. However, I think there are plenty of nurseries that are proven to sell high quality, fast growing trees. Cummins Nursery, St. Lawrence Nurseries, Turkey Creek, Blue Hill wildlife Nursery, Stark Bros, Adams County Nursery, are a few that come to mind. Good luck with your new plantings no matter where you get them from - and keep us in the loop.
I bought 4 apple trees from them a couple years ago. 3 were large--Honey Crisp-Arkansas Black-Gala. The other was a bit smaller and a granny smith. They are all doing Ok, but no fruit after two full growing seasons. To be honest the smaller granny smith is quickly catching the other 3 after just 2 seasons. So I'm not sure I really gained much for the extra cost. Also the Arkansas Black got a black fungus on it late in this fall.

Since then I've purchased crab apples from and only time will tell, but so far I am happy with them.
Ck1084 - If you want some fast-growing crabs, try Winter Wildlife Crab from SLN. (St. Lawrence Nursery) We have 4 of them at camp and they take off faster than any other apples or crabs we have - and we have 35 varieties. They kick butt. 1" red fruit, and they make lots of it.
Thanks Bowsnbucks.....I'll have to give them a try. What time of the year do they drop? Im guessing the deer like them?