False Indigo


Does anybody know if false indigo can be grown from cuttings? The wood seems like the type that would.
Different one.

Amorpha Fruticosa. The ones I've planted from MDC "wake up" very late in the spring but grow vigorously after that. Nice long period of early spring dormancy for gathering cuttings after the frost is out of the ground. I may play around with some this year.
Looks like your suspicion was a good one, they can be propagated from hardwood cuttings:

I'm not aware of this plant at all (don't even know if I've ever seen one?). Looks like they are good for bees (we all need more of them!).

What purpose does it fill for you?


It grows well in my sand and the deer don't browse it. No maintenance necessary, ground cover and cages are not needed. I like the cover and diversity it provides. In larger plantings it could be used for bedding or for a screen. If I can successfully grow it from cuttings I may line the outside of my dappled willow/hybrid poplar screen with it. Brushpile turned me on to them.
I have white false indigo in my prairie mix. The 12 acre prairie restoration gets full sun on a level sandy soil. Everything was planted by seed 23 years ago. They are great attractants for my friends honey bees. They are left alone by the deer.