My fall plots look terrible now. The standing beans have been wiped out....nothing but stems left. The over-seeded wheat and turnips didn't do so well either. The deer have eaten what did grow of them but it wasn't much. They are so bad I am really looking into a different plan for my plots this coming year. I looking at putting out my leftover wheat with a dash of some crimson clover as soon as I can and let it stand all summer and then terminate it and row plant AWP with some turnips and let the wheat re-seed itself as well. I figure this should give me "green" well into winter and then again come spring. I have plenty of soybeans around to feed the deer all summer long and a low deer density so I think I can get away with small plots of the AWP (I already get away with small plots of ag beans without any sort of protection and they still produce grain). Still looking at options though...