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Fall planting crabapple


5 year old buck +
I'd like to try and find a crab or two for a fall planting. Anywhere to order some from this time of season?
Thanks, they had some but said November 3 arrival. I was hoping more like September
Thanks for the advice. So is early November ok to plant that late? I planted two last fall in September that did really well. I have a small creek within a short distance and I left buckets out and watered them a lot. Planting in November seems late to me, might as well just wait till spring at that point.
Yes last years were potted and they got a nice head start vs this spring bare root plantings. I may look for something local and potted. Been surfing Starks and eyeing up a lot of apple trees. They all look so good.
Charman03 as soon as your local trees have gone dormant you could plant in the fall. Like Stu said fall planting is not reccomended for zones colder than 5 and depending on the fall northern zone 5 might be iffy. If you get too far south you need to wait until the coldest part of "winter" because low chill hour varieties can break dormancy and then be subjected to a hard freeze. It is hard to get bare root trees too early in the fall as most growers prefer to let their stock go dormant naturally as opposed to chemical defolation.