Extra Scion


5 year old buck +
The following list is extra scion I have that I do not need. Small quantities of all varieties. Just hate to throw good scion away. :emoji_relaxed:
* denotes varieties that have fruited for me. Drop me a PM if anything interests you.

Red Royal Limbertwig
Yeager Sweet
Little Benny *
Mammoth Black Twig
Black Limbertwig
Hooples Antique Gold
Red Rebel
Black Oxford
Victoria Limbertwig *
Meyers Royal Limbertwig *
Galarina *
Canadian Strawberry
Caney Fork Limbertwig
What can you tell me about Little Benny?

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It's a southern apple, small to medium size. My tree produced half a dozen apples last year. Discribed as a late summer apple I ate one late Aug too tart for me but may just have been too early. The rest of the apples disappeared one night probably to coon. Hoping this year to try some in sauce and pie. No disease or insect problems seem like a nice easy to grow tree, but may not be winter hardy enough for the frozen north :emoji_anguished: but your welcome to try some scion. Here is what my apples looked like.
I will find out about winter hardiness. I had -41 on an old thermometer for a bit and thought it was wrong. One half hour later the car said -35 on the way to work.

My brother in law said he helped load pigs for slaughter just south of me and they had -45. That was about 3-4 weeks ago.

Perhaps I need to forget about zone 4 trees.

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I will find out about winter hardiness. I had -41 on an old thermometer for a bit and thought it was wrong. One half hour later the car said -35 on the way to work.

My brother in law said he helped load pigs for slaughter just south of me and they had -45. That was about 3-4 weeks ago.

Perhaps I need to forget about zone 4 trees.

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Call me a sissy but when it gets down to 0 here that's too cold for me. :emoji_scream::emoji_relaxed:
The following list is extra scion I have that I do not need. Small quantities of all varieties. Just hate to throw good scion away. :emoji_relaxed:
* denotes varieties that have fruited for me. Drop me a PM if anything interests you.

Red Royal Limbertwig
Yeager Sweet
Little Benny *
Mammoth Black Twig
Black Limbertwig
Hooples Antique Gold
Red Rebel
Black Oxford
Victoria Limbertwig *
Meyers Royal Limbertwig *
Galarina *
Canadian Strawberry
Caney Fork Limbertwig

Grey if you can add the Black Limbertwig to what you were sending me. Thanks brother!