Enterprise/gold rush

^^^^^ Yep - just cosmetic. No harm at all. Market buying public doesn't like "ugly" imperfect apples - but these 2 defects are harmless. I've eaten lots of apples with those 2 blemishes, and the wildlife won't care.
I picked the remaining Enterprise Apple off of the tree and ate it today. It was like a whole new Apple! Awesome taste, a little too hard for my liking but I bet it would soften if stored for a bit?
^^^^ Enterprise is one DR apple I haven't had the opportunity to try yet - from ANY source. I haven't seen or heard of any orchard in my area that has Enterprise. Can't wait to try one too.
that enterprise was super clean, that close up looked like a store bought, not a blem on it! did you do any spary/ treatment of any kind? any cedar near by at all?
that enterprise was super clean, that close up looked like a store bought, not a blem on it! did you do any spary/ treatment of any kind? any cedar near by at all?

Yes I do spray. Dormant oil and the after petal fall, insecticide and fungicide. I quit all spray July 7th.
CAR does exist in my area - I saw zero on the Enterprise tree. Pixie Crunch and GoldRush shows CAR quite a lot. An annoyance only really as opposed to destructive, though I have thought about aquiring Immunox to combat it as I sure would like to see clean trees and fruit. CAR is the only thing that seems to run rampant (apart from SootyBlotch and Flyspeck). As for the last two...prune hard and thin hard. Fruit crowded, covered up by sagging branches overhead or shaded will get the worst of these fungi.
Tried my first goldrush today, the picture below is for bows lol. Apple was ok, certainly wasn’t a honey crisp to me but a pretty tasty deer apple. My trees get CAR kinda bad

Thanks for posting, Charman !! Taste is certainly subjective, and maybe it depends on ripeness at picking time. I just had a few Goldrush last week that were too green when picked - the taste wasn't as good as others I've had the last several years. The best one I ever ate was one I picked off a tree at camp. That one was spectacular !!! It was tart, tangy, sweet, spicy - TONS of flavor. The guys at camp went nuts on them. Maybe fresh, tree-ripened Goldrush are the ones for peak flavor. (??)

Another thought ……...… The ones I got last year from a local orchard were great taste-wise. The ones I got this year are from a different orchard about 40 miles away from the orchard I bought from last year. Soil differences ??? Maybe someone with more apple knowledge can chime in on what soil differences can do to affect flavor, if anything.
Thanks for posting, Charman !! Taste is certainly subjective, and maybe it depends on ripeness at picking time. I just had a few Goldrush last week that were too green when picked - the taste wasn't as good as others I've had the last several years. The best one I ever ate was one I picked off a tree at camp. That one was spectacular !!! It was tart, tangy, sweet, spicy - TONS of flavor. The guys at camp went nuts on them. Maybe fresh, tree-ripened Goldrush are the ones for peak flavor. (??)

Another thought ……...… The ones I got last year from a local orchard were great taste-wise. The ones I got this year are from a different orchard about 40 miles away from the orchard I bought from last year. Soil differences ??? Maybe someone with more apple knowledge can chime in on what soil differences can do to affect flavor, if anything.

I’ll try a different orchard in Adams county that has them and see if I can notice a difference. It’s nice living 10-20 minutes away from all these apple orchards. There’s a guy up the road who has some trees at his house who I’ve been buying cider off of this year. Stuff is really good
You're in the thick of orchard country where you are, Charman. You have your pick of places to shop for any fruit.

I have to say I was disappointed in the Goldrush I got last week from that other orchard. I think they picked them too green. Hopefully they ripen and flavor-up in storage. GR is supposed to be one of the 2 longest-keeping, flavor-improving apples out there. Ours never last long enough to test the theory !!!