Eating in a river

Frosted brassica

5 year old buck +
Last weekend I saw a few deer in a river. It was only about a foot deep and it looked like they were eating. My guess was moss ?? Never seen that before.
I've caught them on video walking knee deep in a creek/ditch browsing on the lush greens lining the shoreline.
I seen Key Deer on Big Pine Key wade out into the shallows of the ocean to eat some type of green plant that was growing in the water. It just proves that deer are an opportunistic feeder and will use what is available in their environment.
i was fishing once with a floating Rapalla as a top water bait. Fishing was VERY slow. i cast out made a few jerks on it let it rise to the top.. as it sat there I look to the side and I see a deer swimming towards me. As the deer moves off she is getting closer to my rapalla. I decide to try and reel it in slowly..

Now at first.. you say. don't snag the deer idiot. So I stop reeling.
The deer is now 5 feet from the rapalla. The deer turns and "makes a lunging bite" at the rapalla. I say. HOLY #(($ I am now baffled.. I start reeling quickly as I don't want to snag a deer nor do I want anything to do with a deer near my boat. The rapalla is Now close to the boat and the deer is moving towards the other direction.

probably one of the craziest things I have seen fishing.. Second only to landing a pike on my boat only to find a small walleye in the gullet. Did I mention.. that the DNR found the walleye and claimed I was hiding an undersized fish?? The ONLY thing that got me off the "hook" was the fact that the walleye had ZERO evidence of hook marks in it's mouth. i had the look of horror when the DNR pulled the walleye out. WILD. they let me go.