Eastern black nightshade and horsenettle


5 year old buck +
I have this growing in a small clover plot I planted in late April. I tried establishing a clover plot 5 years ago in the Spring and said I’d never do it again. Well here I am. If it was going to be a decent size plot, I would have been smart and waited for the Fall and seeded with Cereal Rye. My question is, can GrazonNext ( herbicide) be sprayed on clover without harming. I read this herbicide is good on these two weeds. I also have Butyrac 200 , but I know I shouldn’t really use the Butyrac until the clover is about 3 inches. I just been weed wacking it for now, but this plot is in a great location. So any advice on the GrazonNext ? Should I just continue to weed wack then when the clover gets to about 3 inches, I can go with the Butyrac 200?