Wind Gypsy
5 year old buck +
A property popped up on the MLS today that has me very interested. One of the things i'd like to clear is the status of any easements related to a driveway through the south end of the property to a house. The screenshot below shows the driveway through the south end of the property east of the house. The listed parcel makes up the bulk of the image covering the entire NE. I intend to look at it tomorrow.
What questions would you ask the seller about this driveway?
The other thing I'd be concerned about is it looks like continuous pasture between the two properties and I cant see any fence between them. I don't know if there is any type of prescriptive easement or possible ownership claim if they've done it forever without anyone fighting it. Probably a very long shot but I'll make sure i drive it to ground.
The property seems to be priced about 20% below what I'd expect so I'm hot on a deal but trying not to miss the reason for the deal.. Last sold for about 82% of current list price in 2002.

What questions would you ask the seller about this driveway?
The other thing I'd be concerned about is it looks like continuous pasture between the two properties and I cant see any fence between them. I don't know if there is any type of prescriptive easement or possible ownership claim if they've done it forever without anyone fighting it. Probably a very long shot but I'll make sure i drive it to ground.
The property seems to be priced about 20% below what I'd expect so I'm hot on a deal but trying not to miss the reason for the deal.. Last sold for about 82% of current list price in 2002.