Eagles blown away by storm


5 year old buck +
We had an eagle nest next door at our neighbors place. It was high in a white pine. That nest and many of the adjacent trees got blown away in a storm two weeks ago. There were two "chicks" and two adults frequenting the nest. A family. After the storm we saw the adults sitting alongside the now missing nest in the evenings......but no Jr's.

Today, two eagle chicks surfaced. One is up "working' ? on the nest. The other let me walk to within 10 feet of it in a white pine tree, on a low branch by my dock.
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Here's the one "working" on the old nest. I hope they recondition it over at my neighbors.....as they seem to kill the trees they nest in......and I don't have enough remaining trees to lose one to these guys.
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Kinda cool watching this family "rebuilding" after the storm. At first, I thought these young eagles had been killed by the windstorm. Gotta wonder how some of those critters live through 100 mph winds.
Cool pics, good to see the jrs made it.
Cools pic. The critters know what's coming long before we do and hide.