Drilled brassicas in existing clover


5 year old buck +
Okay, I am getting better at planting brassicas in existing clover plots. Here are some photos. They were drilled in on August 16. Both plots were drilled and then mowed as tight as I could get it. In the one plot, I did not drill passes right next to each other so there are gaps. IMG_4782.JPGIMG_4776.JPG

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That looks good. But they look small after a month. Has it been dry or do they grow slower in the clover?
Curious because I may try that next year. Just wondering if starting sooner might be a benifit.
I have several acres planted on their own all planted the same day. It was a mix of Brassica types. Some did not grow in the clover at all. The ones in the pics have received very little nitrogen so that has made them a little smaller. The lower pic was taken close to the wood line and they are smaller there as well. The ones in the top pic are pretty tall you can't tell how tall the clover is. Now all I have to do is figure out which brassicas grew and which didn't out of six seed types!

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Do you suppress the clover before planting or just mow it after seeding the brassicas?
Do you suppress the clover before planting or just mow it after seeding the brassicas?

I have tried to suppress it with GLY one quart per acre. I do not like doing that. If you hit a dry spell after planting the brassicas and spraying you have significant clover suppression for extended periods through the fall and no brassicas. This year I simply drilled it and mowed as tight as I could get it. That seems to work a lot better.

I would have had a better stand of brassicas if I had not set my press wheels so tight. I closed the furrows and the brassicas were probably a little too deep even on the most shallow setting. It took a lot to push them up through the ground. So not closing the furrow would probably work better.

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