Dove Opener


5 year old buck +
Not a lot of doves around yet, had a field with some doves and a few pigeons.
It worked out exactly the opposite of planned with lots of pigeons and very few doves. The dog got a decent work out.


My old lab would bring you every duck, tooth puncture free.
He treated doves like chewing gum:emoji_astonished:
Never could figure that out...
Took a group of kids out this morning. Haven't been any birds around but it turned into a good hunt/fishing/eating trip.

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2 this morning, two this evening. Saving my best spot for later in the week. Mowed it super short and doves have been in it.20190901_070427.jpg20190901_162250.jpg
Looks fun!!
Took a group of kids out this morning. Haven't been any birds around but it turned into a good hunt/fishing/eating trip.

How come the little guy got to fish AND use the cool shotgun with a suppressor... ;)
How come the little guy got to fish AND use the cool shotgun with a suppressor... ;)
That guy gets to do whatever he wants. And his shotgun could be heard all morning! Pop... pop... pop pop pop, etc. Don't tell anyone but I don't think he had a plug in it.
Another one today. I missed alot with the O/U tonight. Dont know what my problem was. Hopefully the cold front doesn't wipe them out. My boy wants to go out and this spot has quite a few doves in a 1 acre plot. Ill be out with the trusty 390 tomorrow afternoon.
In this heat I think fishing would be the ticket.Heading to the mountains saturday,high 70 low 50 should be perfect
In this heat I think fishing would be the ticket.Heading to the mountains saturday,high 70 low 50 should be perfect
Oh man that sounds like fun! Let me guess; fly fishing streams for trout? I wish you luck and catch one for me.
Kind of slow, but got another limit this afternoon. Made some adjustments to the angle of my shotgun stock and was hitting well. Went 15 out of 17 (missed one bird and shot at him twice, otherwise I was 15/15). Had 3 doubles...

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Saw a lot less tonight. We got a couple. There were more birds than we saw in there this morning. Light north wind blowing...

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