Dove field [with complications] advice

Last year we killed off 2 acres of a pasture with gly and planted millet in June. Matured well. Kept putting out seed through the summer for bait or hopefully new plants. Cut 2 bare strips to put seed on through the summer. Had a great shoot. Planted Abruzzi rye with some clover the weekend after we shot. Rye is heading out nicely. Will let it mature, then get some millet out again late May. Planning on wheat this fall.
So you kept 2 strips free of millet throughout the summer? Were they disked? And you continued to sow millet during the summer?
Yes. Disked and flattened. we just used them as bait strips to supplement the millet. Of course you gotta stop at some point to stay legal. I turned them again a week before we shot. But felt safe if there was a little still available, since I had standing millet in the field.
Yes. Disked and flattened. we just used them as bait strips to supplement the millet. Of course you gotta stop at some point to stay legal. I turned them again a week before we shot. But felt safe if there was a little still available, since I had standing millet in the field.

Works the same in a wheat field also.