Do you think this is huckleberry?

Native Hunter

5 year old buck +
Last year I found lowbush blueberry on my place. This is growing near them but is a different species. I've looked in a lot of books and think it may be huckleberry. Blueberries have already ripened, but these are still immature and will be bigger.

Any thoughts?

I can't offer more than a wild guess. I hope it is, or some other desirable.
Thanks guys. It looks like many pictures I have found. Also, one source said it is often found growing with lowbush blueberry, and that is where I found it.
I've got a bunch of huckleberry patches and I don't think what you have there is huckleberry. I will try and get some pictures. They are just ripening now and the deer eat them fast.
That definently is not the huckleberry that I have. I have them everywhere but I'm far south of you
I found pics of Box Huckleberry and it definitely looked different. Some of the pics of what they call Black Huckleberry looked close.
Yep...I'd say that's it. I didn't ever think about different kinds of huckleberry

Supposed to be in Tennessee but not KY. Looks like the stork might have dropped more than a baby...LOL.