Did I eff myself by buying Dolomitic lime?

Couple updates to this. I ended up spreading the dolomitic lime over everything and pulled more soil for a better soil test a couple weeks after. It doesn't look like i was particularly high in Mg after all? If anyone has anything thoughts or interpretations on the test results, i'm all ears!

There was nothing measured or scientific about the spreading. The rhino limer needed the gates wide open to spread the wet lime with any consistency so we just made a single pass over everything. Just based off the acreage and the change in lime pile size, i'd guess somewhere around 2 tons/ac got applied.

Here's what I see, and it's just one opinion.

There's more info now. Your Ca:Mg ratio pre-lime is ( 1369/351 = 3.91 ). In pounds, simply multiply those ppm numbers x2 for a 6" soil sample.


Ca lbs/ac - 2,738
Mg lbs/ac - 702

Post lime guess (we don't know the lime analysis --just guessing 22% Ca/11% Mg--) at 2 tons/ac applied
Ca lbs/ac - 2,738 + (4000 * .22) = 3,626
Mg lbs/ac - 702 + (4000 * .11) = 1,146

old Ca:Mg ratio: 3.91
new Ca:Mg ratio: 3.16

There's no agreement as to whether or not that matters. I'm a fan of the Ca:Mg ratio theory. I think it's a bigger deal in wet soils like mine where soil cannot aggregate/flocculate (evolve from paste to cottage cheese) due to seasonal ponding.

Do keep us updated how everything responds.