Deer & Turkey use among wheat varieties?

I'm having a hard time finding awnless locally, I'll keep looking we'll see. Agree with others, what I've found the difference in price is negligible. I'd like to keep volunteer grain to a minimum in this area (section going fallow in 2021) which is why I'm not using WR this time around.

Great feedback all around, thanks all.
Likely one of the fields was closer to their bedding / security cover or they just felt safer there for whatever reason. There appeared to be a tipping point at the 2.5 - 3 week mark where the first field was picked over enough and the attractiveness of the second became worth the risk..

As you note hunting pressure trumps all food, as safety will always be their #1.

My $.02..

There was nothing obvious along those lines, but it was certainly something other than the crop. There was no real difference in the fields as they were both hit after dark. At least, I could not see a difference by looking at them. It could be all kinds of things. It is private land and we use a log book that includes check out/in times along with hunting location. There was not obvious changes in pressure but that doesn't mean there were none. Native food sources are changing at that time of year here. Changes in wind patterns could have cause changes in bedding location. Who knows.

The example was just to show how attraction of the crop is only one factor in use and certainly not the primary factor during hunting season.

