Deer Shedding Antlers Yet

Found another shed today. Thanks to my daughter for changing my phone settings. Everything is grey.
The grey is very artistic.
Got a buck in central MN on the trail cam with no antlers! So there starting! Yee-haa!
My caretaker spent the weekend cutting logs. He saw 7 bucks with both sides. Valentines day is always the start.
That's about when the bulk of them start hitting the ground..but there are plenty of bucks that have dropped one or both already.
One of my camp members shot a nice-racked buck last year on his FIL's farm. The deer ran down into a creek bottom and into heavy cover. After tracking, they found the deer - now bald - and had to look around for a while to find the sheds. One was found the same day, the other a couple weeks later. If you gave the deer an 18" spread, it scored about 130". Shot in Dec.

To go to the other direction with this, I saw a nicely formed, sizeable 6 - pt. in velvet on the first weekend of spring gobbler season a few years back. Around April 27 - 29th.That was the earliest I ever saw a rack developed to that degree.
Found these this past weekend with my shed hunting partner. All 3 still had blood on the bases.

shed 20150125.gif thor winter 2014.gif
nice finds there! did the dog find 'em and fetch 'em or was he/she just along for the walk?

We both found one together and he found the other 2 on his own. It was fun to see him get parallel & downwind from one and abruptly change his direction with his nose into the wind. Once he found them he always brings them back to me to show off and a biscuit. He has antlers all over the house that he chews on to keep the scent on his mind.
Been working a new breed of shed dog. Almost have the genetic lines where I want them. She did pick this one up and run AWAY from me when she found it this afternoon. Chews them at home all day as well.
Been working a new breed of shed dog. Almost have the genetic lines where I want them. She did pick this one up and run AWAY from me when she found it this afternoon. Chews them at home all day as well.
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My dog is banned from any contact with MY sheds....she destroys them short order....she also has the most ridiculous dentition I've ever seen on a dog her size. She's an "aggressive chewer" and the "indestructible toys" have yet to fit that billing.
I haven't seen a buck in almost 2 weeks, I think most are dropped.
Is that a Wheaton Batman?

Beiwer Yorkie? Maybe I spelled it wrong. Made mistake of telling wife to go look. Cost me $900, it has an underbite, kinda bowlegged back end, cat like dog. But she is buds with the lab and myself.

Lab picks up shed sometimes but she was busy hoovering up deer crap in the clover field.
Took it to a whole new level today. Those big sheds that reach for the sky and poke through grass and leaves are in my past. I have graduated to a whole new level. I am now a spike shed hunter.


This one was laying behind my boat. I think my dog may have taken and put it there as it is really white and was laying right in the yard?

Took it to a whole new level today. Those big sheds that reach for the sky and poke through grass and leaves are in my past. I have graduated to a whole new level. I am now a spike shed hunter.

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This one was laying behind my boat. I think my dog may have taken and put it there as it is really white and was laying right in the yard?

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Congrats on the spiker and good eye! I'd say that one from behind boat laid somewhere else for a while before fido transported it there most likely las years drop. Is it real smooth or is a little chalky to the touch? I assume it doesn't have a wax ring on the pedicle any more based on how white and old it most likely is.
Took it to a whole new level today. Those big sheds that reach for the sky and poke through grass and leaves are in my past. I have graduated to a whole new level. I am now a spike shed hunter.

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This one was laying behind my boat. I think my dog may have taken and put it there as it is really white and was laying right in the yard?

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Looks like this one may have a little skull plate attached?
1.5 year old in MN with both antlers last night.
I looked last weekend where a buck has just rubbed up an area of willow trees and I have found a shed in that location before - nothing! I'll find some when I set my CRP/NWSG on fire closer to spring. I'm not sure any of my 3 dogs would have any idea what to do with one if I let them have it, or if they found one. They prefer to to drag an entire deer leg into the yard from time to time or roll in the stink of a long gone dead one. They will follow blood, and bark at anything that rolls into the drive, but other than that pretty much just good at keeping the couch warm.
I checked my camera today and the two yearling bucks I have been regularly having on them have dropped their antlers. Time to hit the woods for me!
I'd say about 20-25% of them have already dropped their sheds on the ground I manage in IL, around 30% in central WI and I'd guess closer to 40% up north. The guy I work with in IL just sent me this about 30 mins ago. He's picked up around 20 already this year, while hinge cutting areas I've set him loose on. It's from a 4.5 year old buck that's seemingly in peak physical condition and extremely well fed.