Decent video comparing winter annuals


5 year old buck +
Here's a 43 minute video from Green Cover Seed comparing varieties of wheat, rye, triticale, peas, and vetches.
It might give you guys some ideas on fine tuning the varieties you choose.
I found the 1st wheat they talk about interesting. It's Willow Creek and one of it's traits is that it matures very late in the spring, so when rye and a lot of other winter crops are past prime, this stuff is still palatable and hasn't headed out yet. I believe it's awnless.
I tried finding a source on-line to buy it, and struck out.
Even Green Cover Seed doesn't list it for sale on their site, even though they cover it in the video. I might have to email them and ask where a guy can buy the stuff.
They've got it. The site doesn't list a number of things they have in stock. They also have a conventional group 7 soybean for $20/bag that isn't listed.