Decent buck. He is back and Bigger

Steven Tolly

5 year old buck +

Trying to guess his age and score. I know not the best picture I did not take time to email the real one and I wanted it zoomed in a touch. Any thoughts?

Thanks for all the help. Watching cameras is half the fun to us.
If you call that one decent I need to hunt with you!!
Yes, very decent...
Old. Warrior.
I would shoot at it!
That's a nice one. Id hunt him!
looks old, real short legs and saggy. Is he an 8? As an 8 man he might be 150s? Long beams and brows! Might even be a 10 though.
Field score I get 3 tines at 10", one at 8, brows at 6 = 50 plus 90 for an 8 point frame totals 140.
I'm usually low. So add 5 for error = 145.

Real nice 8 regardless of the screwy numbers. :).
I'd put him at 4.5 or 5.5. it's hard to get an 8 over 150 so I'd say 140-145

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I would have all the the slack out of the trigger at the very first opportunity!!!

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Great looking buck. "I" would shoot first, then measure, then send a tooth in to age. He looks mature to me.

Trying to guess his age and score. I know not the best picture I did not take time to email the real one and I wanted it zoomed in a touch. Any thoughts?

Thanks for all the help. Watching cameras is half the fun to us.

That frame is way above average. The picture quality is not great but I think that buck breaks 150 all day long. Get him and measure him. That buck is wide, with great tines, great brow tines, mass, and main beams that go on man and sweep. It may not be a ten, but he's got room for 12....

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Helluva buck !! You Mid-West guys have good minerals in the soil, good genes - Here in Pa. the poachers would be shooting EACH OTHER to get a shot at a buck like that. Sad commentary on SOME in Pa. - but that's the way it is. I've heard way too many night shots over the years to think otherwise.

I hope you guys have great luck this fall and savor the hunts / sights !!
Somtimes pics can be dece ptive but based on what I see 5.5 you ars old...150 to 160 inches .....that's a really big 8 ...lots od width that would push him into the 150s

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Update. I am pretty sure this is him. If you look at the first pic close enough you will see on the left side there is something that looks like a drop tine or junk. These pictures clearly show it now. He just made #1 on the list. He has been around 5-6 times in the course of three weeks, problem is it is in the morning and it is an evening stand. But we will find a way to hunt him early. For now we are staying away and waiting till season in Iowa opens up.
Awesome deer! Good luck.
Stud for sure. Good luck with him.