Dead of winter birds - what the heck are they?


Every year about this time (starting a month ago) these small mostly white birds show up around here (west central Wisconsin) in small flocks. They are always along the side of the road. I can't get a good look at them because the only place I can find them is along the road and they don't sit still long enough. They appear to have a dark patch on their wings (brown/gray/black?), other than that appear completely white. I would say they are about 1.5 times the size of a sparrow. Maybe slightly larger.

Anyone have any idea what they are? If they aren't gone already they will be soon. I can only assume they head back up north to wherever they came from?


yup.. my guess would be snow buntings. super cool bird.
John, when I read "small white birds" in flocks I initially thought snow buntings. When you wrote that they are always on roads that nailed it for me. I see them in the Vermont backcountry always along roads. They seek out small bits of gravel or rock to ingest for their gizzard.
Looks like you guys nailed it. That is it for sure. Now I need to look into them a little more.

I can't believe they live north of me all winter, come "south" in the worst part of our winter, and head back up north while it's still plenty cold.

They must be one tough bird. I can't imagine what the heck they eat during February in Wisconsin?

Thanks again....

. I can't imagine what the heck they eat during February in Wisconsin?

Snow fleas maybe. Really, it’s a bug that doesn’t mind winter..
Never thought much about them. See them quite often in MN.