DCO's grown from seed


5 year old buck +
I have started DCO's from seed the last couple years and haven't had much success, I keep them in the fridge in ziplock bags with peet moss over the winter just like I have with all the other acorns. The germination on these isn't very high even though they all float tested fine. I checked some of the ones I planted last year in tubes and they are still alive but haven't put on much growth, they are maybe 8-10" tall. Ithe ones I have in rootmaker trays this year are maybe 4-6". I remember reading that they are slow growers the first year but take off after that. What has been your experiences with DCO's?
Here's a pic of the DCO's in the rootmaker trays, DCO's are on the left, I started with a full tray of DCO's and when they failed I filled in with others I believe the ones on the right are Pin oaks, but I can't remember what I planted in there.

Pretty typical of 1st year growth in a container. My opinion they do better when grown in the soil. I have ones that I have grown in various methods. My best ones were started in rootmaker 32 cell, grown for 2 months and then transplanted into great soil. Those are now 12-16" tall and about as wide as of now in their 2nd growing season. Some others started the same way on poorer soil and a little less watering are half the size. I tried some in various containers and soil mixes this spring, those are no bigger than the ones in your pictures. Planted some late that were left over, in the ground and they are 6" tall and healthy. I will not grow any in pots from here on out, no benefit for me that I can see.
Pretty typical of 1st year growth in a container. My opinion they do better when grown in the soil. I have ones that I have grown in various methods. My best ones were started in rootmaker 32 cell, grown for 2 months and then transplanted into great soil. Those are now 12-16" tall and about as wide as of now in their 2nd growing season. Some others started the same way on poorer soil and a little less watering are half the size. I tried some in various containers and soil mixes this spring, those are no bigger than the ones in your pictures. Planted some late that were left over, in the ground and they are 6" tall and healthy. I will not grow any in pots from here on out, no benefit for me that I can see.

Thanks for the reply! So are you going to keep the acorns over the winter and then plant them in the spring or direct plant them in the fall?
I planted a bunch of acorns last fall they were a total bust. The hard winter and the fact that I probably over watered them contributed to none sprouting. On the dark side there were a number of references to not letting them dry out when they are seeded prior to winter which was in my opinion over emphasized. DCOs do NOT like to be over watered. I will attempt to direct seed some again this fall. Going to mulch them and definitely not water as much. Probably direct seed some again in the spring just for comprison purposes. I kept my acorns in ziplock bags with a damp paper towel over winter almst 100% germination, I did have some mold issues towards the end of storage.
I planted a bunch of acorns last fall they were a total bust. The hard winter and the fact that I probably over watered them contributed to none sprouting. On the dark side there were a number of references to not letting them dry out when they are seeded prior to winter which was in my opinion over emphasized. DCOs do NOT like to be over watered. I will attempt to direct seed some again this fall. Going to mulch them and definitely not water as much. Probably direct seed some again in the spring just for comprison purposes. I kept my acorns in ziplock bags with a damp paper towel over winter almst 100% germination, I did have some mold issues towards the end of storage.

I too direct planted some last fall with 100% failure, I'll have to try and direct seed some next spring. Thanks
NH I am pretty sure you need 2 for pollination, though I believe they can pollinate with other members in the white oak family.
anyone might have about 20 DCO seeds this fall that could be mailed to me at a small charge?
anyone might have about 20 DCO seeds this fall that could be mailed to me at a small charge?

I usually get them by the lb and sure I could spare some. I'll let you know when I get them.
I usually get them by the lb and sure I could spare some. I'll let you know when I get them.
I usually get them by the lb and sure I could spare some. I'll let you know when I get them.
Thanks Scott! I got them in and looking forward to try them. I am going to try some planted in 3 gal pots so I can baby some here at the house.